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Sherlock chastises Joan for having sex with Detective Grimes. Two patrolmen find a headless chicken and a headless body. Gabriel Rojas, the dead man, is a professor of religion and occult expert, who has often been used by the police, according to Councilman Vucelich.  Sherlock and Joan are searching for Marcus's eventual replacement, one they can work with. Gregson agrees to meet with their first choice, Detective Romero. A bottle thrown through their window leads Sherlock and Joan to talk to a local priest, Father Vega. He said that Champerico, a Guatemalan liquor company, was behind the abduction of a union organizer, Valentina Duran, on her way to New York. Moira Baker, a union officer, said that Champerico also shot down a local tax on alcohol. Sherlock interviews the company president, who told him where to find Valentina. Valentina ran because she is pregnant and doesn't plan to go back to Guatemala where she is a target. She threw the bottle through Sherlock's window, to put them on Champerico's tail. Valentina sent Gabriel photos that show local soldiers who are hassling union workers are on Champerico's payroll. Gregson checked with Romero's former commander, now a PI, about how she works. Marcus calls to say Gabriel's head had been found. Sherlock thinks that Councilmen Vucelich actually killed Gabriel. The councilman was in the photos Valentina had, and Gabriel saw him taking a bribe from Champerico. When Gabriel confronted him, he killed him. The chicken scratched the councilman before it was killed, and his blood sample was on the chicken's claws. Gregson won't bring in Romero because she was known as being creative, just like Sherlock and Joan. Instead, he needs someone like Marcus to keep them in line. Joan picked up baby supplies for Valentina. 

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Elementary Season 6 Episode 15 Quotes

Gregson: This is our first occult killing.
Sherlock: This is my 20th.

The killer was performing a ritual, the ritual of obfuscation.

Sherlock [to Marcus]