A Brewing Terrorist Threat - FBI: International
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A wedding in Minsk, Belarus, is hit with a Ukranian drone strike, killing the wedding party and many guests but leaving the father of the bride, a military officer, alive. Three months later, David Laporta, an American industrial engineer, is abducted in Rome under the guidance of that same officer, Gen. Stanislav Lenkov. Laporta's partner was killed during the attack. Jubal had requested a background check on Laporta three days prior. The Italian detective, Inspector Granno, is antagonistic toward the team. Sabrina, Laporta's assistant, says that he had been warned that the Taliban had been looking to abduct a structural engineer. Forrester and Granno argue over this theory and Smitty has to mediate. Jubal and Nina arrive. Jubal says Laporta's name came up during Scola's undercover investigation. The theory is Laporta is being used to plan an attack. Forrester and Jubal trace a suspicious number to Dmitri Dohbal of Minsk. Dohbal is in Rome. They find Dohbal dead because of the delay in receiving phone records. Vo discovers that Lenkov, had been in New York three weeks earlier. He looks like the man found on Roman surveillance near the site of Laporta's abduction. Forrester confronts Gronna, who grudgingly gives up a lead on Dohbal's car. On a bad tip, the squad invades a famly's apartment, with Jubal getting shot at by a young boy. Jubal made a wrong call. Lenkov's men attack the Anitec offices to upload Laporta's files. Nina tracks where the files were uploaded to. The building where Laporta is being held is heavily guarded and Gronna refuses to supply backup. Jubal has pregnant Nina sit out the raid. Five agents enter the house. They find a tortured Laporta dead. Jubal finds an escape tunnel. Nina gets shot by an escaping terrorist.


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FBI: International Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

Forrester: Does this M.O. line up with any recent organized crime activity?
Granno: This isn't the movies. Not every crime in Italy has a Mafia connection.

Vo: It's only been a few hours. How do we know there's foul play?
Kellett: Costa's body was found, shot three times at close range.
Forrester: That'll do it.