Samaritan Gunned Down - FBI Season 6 Episode 2
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Two nurses run to aid a gunshot victim.

Jubal's ex Sam calls to tell him that their son Tyler is getting suspended for drinking.

The victim is Duncan Martin, president of the NY Fed.

His car matches the description of a car fleeing the scene.

Maggie and OA find the car where Elisa had tracked it.

There's blood inside the car and a bloody palm print outside.

A dash cam shows Martin's car hitting a female pedestrian. He gets out to help her and is gunned down. The shooter grabbed the woman and stole the car.

The palm print belongs to Roy Kim, who has a rap sheet.

Maggie and OA run into Kim as he's about to leave the building. Maggie catches him.

He says he found the car in a church parking lot.

Surveillance backs up Kim's version of events.

Maggie and OA find the woman near the church but she dies.

The victijm looks familiar to Jubal but he can't place her. He finds a prescription nearby made out to a Sarah Smith.

Jubal and Sam disagree over the value of sending Tyler back to a therapist.

A camera outside the doctor's office allows them to identify Luke Hopkins as the shooter.

They find where the woman had been held at Hopkins' apartment and evidence of a second, younger prisoner.

The deceased woman is Jillian Martinez. Jubal was the lead investigator when she and her sister Gabby disappeared eight years ago, thought to be victims of the Flatbush Stalker.

Jubal and Isobel have to go tell their father, Steve, that his daughters had been alive since their disappearance. He didn't take the news well.

Hopkins tried to use his debit card, which had been frozen. Gabby was with him.

Hopkins visited his cousin Brian and took his wallet and car and smashed his phone.

Brian explained that Hopkins was abused while in foster care and would do anything to protect his "family."

The team surrounds Hopkins but he ducks into a building with Gabby and takes hostages.

Gabby surprises Luke and hits him with a metal pipe. But Gabby starts shooting at the agents.

Gabby holds the gun on Hopkins, wanting to know where Jillian is. Steve arrives on the scene.

Jubal asks him to talk to her and make her feel safe.

She shoots Hopkins in the leg.

Jubal goes in alone to take a phone to Gabby.

Hopkins had told the sisters that Steve was dead.

Steve informs Gabby that Jillian is dead.

Hopkins wrestles with Gabby for the gun but Jubal shoots him.

Gabby is overwhelmed when Steve attempts to reconnect with her.

Tyler and Jubal talk about what Tyler did outside the therapist's office before entering.













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FBI Season 6 Episode 2 Quotes

[Tyler] needs to know you don't hate him.

Sam [to Jubal]

Whoever's drill strikes oil first gets an all-expense-paid trip to my good graces.
