Club Owner Murdered - FBI Season 6 Episode 3
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A newstand operator sees one of the customer get abducted in a car trunk.

Maggie spies OA kissing a blonde.

OA tells her about Gemma, who he's been seeing for three weeks.

The newstand operator tells Maggie and OA that the man was named Eric and he owns a cocktail lounge.

Elise locates Eric Cantwell's relatively new lounge, Velvet.

Eric's phone is stationary near an industrial park in Pearl River.

The kidnapper guns the car and hits Maggie, who ends up on the hood. OA pursues it.

The driver brakes and Maggie, who had been on the attack, goes flying. She's shaken up and the driver gets away.

Tiff and Scola find a shot Cantwell, who says the Russians were responsible. He dies.

Elise finds surveillance of Cantwell arguing with another man.

One of Cantwell's employees overheard him asking about buying a gun.

Maggie and OA go to interview Cantwell's partner Terry at their other bar, Houseman. They find a dead body, likely Terry. 

Markus, a Houseman employee, says someone was extorting $2,000 a month out of Terry.

Jubal and Isobel discover Ukranians, not Russians, run that neighborhood.

Luka Reznov is the shotcaller.

Isobel wants to plant a wire at Luka's club Amadeus so the team goes undercover.

OA recognizes Luka's girlfriend Cate, who comes from money, from somewhere. Then Gemma shows up and hugs her.

Tiffany discovers Cate is distributing drugs.

Tiffany introduces herself to Cate and convinces her to sell her coke. Then Scola busts her.

Cate identifies the man threatening Cantwell as Luka's friend V.

Cate is shocked to find out Luka is a criminal and is more than willing to plant the wire in Luka's office.

Luka catches her when she's planting the device.

Cate convinces him that she wanted to surprise him and distracts him by offering to set up V with one of her friends. She plants the bug while they're having sex.

Maggie and OA have to explain extortion to Cate.

She picked V (Viktor) out of a photo lineup.

Maggie questions OA about whether his concern about Cate is because she's Gemma's friend.

Tiffany is posing as Cate's friend, who is Viktor's date.

Tiffany knocks over Viktor's bottle and Scola scoops it up.

Luka spotted the wire and is suspicious of Cate.

Tiffany and Cate attempt to take off but Luka and Viktor pursue them.

Cate goes running back to Luka,Tiffany pulls her gun, and a shootout ensues.

Cate gets shot in the crossover. Maggie, Tiffany, and Scola surround Luka and Viktor.

Viktor rolls on the entire gang.

OA tries to have a serious talk with Gemma about her lifestyle. But then she learns that Cate has died after being shot.






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FBI Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

OA: Almost too good to be true.
Maggie: Probably is.

Maggie: That was so cute.
OA: She makes me happy.