Fire Island - Fellow Travelers
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It's 1979 and tensions in San Francisco are at a high as Dan White goes on trial.

Tim gets a postcard from Hawk on Fire Island, who wants him to drop everything and visit him.

Frankie notes that he needs to quit that man for good, but Tim is feeling worried because he lost his son and has been calling him at night.

He calls Lucy, who is not happy to hear from him. He's sorry for her loss and is worried about Hawk.

Kimberly is now heavily pregnant but Lucy has no idea where he's disappeared to and balks at the notion that Tim is asking for permission to visit him.

So Tim goes to Fire Island and is greeted by multiple men at his house and one of them his his new boyfriend, Craig.

Craig implies he knows everything about Hawk but Tim doesn't believe him.

Hawk is too concerned with partying and what other people can do for him, and Tim prepares to leave.

Unfortunately, he can't leave Hawk like this and joins in the party. He had previously caught Craig looking at Hawk's personal belongings, including a photo of Jackson.

The three men go out but the result of Dan White's sentencing changes everything for Tim and he's stunned to find that Hawk has left him.

When he returns to the house, it emerges that Craig lied about Tim leaving with another man and Hawk tries to start a three-way between them, only to lash out at Craig when he realizes Jackson's photo has been touched.

Hawk breaks down to Tim and they seem to be at a resolution... until Hawk is back to his partying ways the next morning.

Tim lashes out, telling Hawk that he wasted his life on him and that he's done with him.

Tim leaves and Hawk realizes that he's messing everything up and throws the men out of his home and the drugs

In the present, Hawk shows up at the hospital to learn that Tim has had another seizure and doesn't have long left, so he sits with him, holding his hand as he drifts away.

Back in 1979, Marcus is teaching at school and lets a kid be homophobic which riles up Jerome.

Marcus tells Frankie he thinks one of his students are homeless and the pair have an argument about how Marcus is never helping any of Frankie's causes.

They reunite later when Marcus goes to find Frankie and Jerome at the protest against the justice system and takes a beating for Jerome from the police.


Fellow Travelers
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Fellow Travelers Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Hawk: Where are you going?
Rafael: I'll wait outside. Walk you to the ferry.
Tim: It meant nothing to you. Everything we said last night. Everything we have been through. What is wrong with me?
Hawk: Skippy. No.
Tim: What is wrong with me?
Hawk: This is not about you.
Tim: Why can I not stop believing anything you say? If this is what you want, fine. If you want to die, go on, fսcking die. Your wife and your daughter have already buried a son and a brother, and they're gonna have to bury you. But you don't care because you're so fսcking selfish! I've wasted all this time. My life on you.
Hawk: Don't go. No. Don't go. No, please.
Tim: Hawk, I'm done with you. I'm free.

Frankie: You are not serious about going.
Tim: I owe my parents a visit. Fire Island's a ferry ride away.
Frankie: If White gets off, this city is going to explode. Timothy, I need you here. Not chasing after your long lost whatever he is to you.
Tim: He's been through a tragedy.
Frankie: The tragedy is you holding on to him.
Tim: Like you hold on to Marcus?
Frankie: At least Marcus and I sleep in the same bed. Most of the time.