Seeking Membership - Frasier
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Frasier doesn't feel like he's being accepted by the staff at Harvard. To make matters worse, both Alan and Olivia are given a Golden Plume, which is an invitation to the Harvard Founders' Society mixer.

Olivia says that every Harvard President was a member of the Founders' Society. Frasier is dejected until he gets an invitation, too.

At the mixer, Alan tries on an antique gauntlet, and it gets stuck on his hand.

Frasier, Alan, and Olivia decide to form an alliance and talk one another up in the hopes they will all be asked to join the Founders' Society, but then hear there are only two openings.

Alan and Frasier, speaking Latin so that Olivia doesn't understand them, decide to throw Olivia under the bus and go for the two openings themselves. Little do they know that Olivia also speaks Latin.

Olivia points out Dean Melvin to Frasier and Alan, but it's a waiter, and as they approach the man, she heads to the real Dean Melvin. By the time they figure it out, Olivia has already secured one of the open spots.

As Frasier and Alan vie for the remaining opening, Frasier believes the spot should be his because Alan takes nothing seriously. Alan agrees to step aside if Frasier will help him find a special bottle of Scotch in the club's wine cellar.

Alan says he's accidentally locked the door to the wine cellar, and he and Frasier are stuck inside. Alan is happy to open the 100-year-old bottle of Scotch, which turns out to be terrible. Frasier laments that Alan never takes anything seriously. Does he care about anything? Alan admits to caring deeply about his cat and Frasier. He's sorry if his flippancy has caused trouble for Frasier in the past.

They discuss why Frasier takes things so seriously. He says he's always wanted to fit in. Alan thinks they should be happy with what they have. And now they have another great story to tell.

Then Alan reveals the door was never locked. Actually, there isn't even a door. He just wanted them to hash things out. After telling Alan that he doesn't need the Founders' Society when he has Alan for a friend, the Dean finds Frasier and invites him to be a part of it. Frasier accepts.

David asks Eve out despite Freddy's protestations. Eve drags David to Freddy's and tells Freddy that David has no idea how to talk to girls and Freddy needs to help him. After working with David, they bring him to Mahoney's, where he ends up striking up a conversation with a girl as nervous as he is, and they head to the old bookstore around the corner.

David believes that Eve and Freddy have feelings for one another, but both deny it. Eve makes fun of Freddy as he sits home on a Saturday night reading Little Women.


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Frasier Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Freddy: No! Oh my God. You're a teenager. She's almost 30. Her boyfriend died barely a year ago. She has a baby you're not even allowed to hold.
David: A baby I'm afraid to hold.

I can’t believe I’m having such a hard time fitting in at Harvard. It’s kind of hard to fall back on the old line, "They’re just intimidated by your intellect."
