Donna On Alert - FROM Season 2 Episode 2
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Boyd finds skeletons chained to the wall in the room he finds himself in with Martin, who pleads with him to kill him.

Mass hysteria ensues at the diner as Donna attempts to keep everyone calm.

Victor and Tabitha seek shelter in a trailer, where Victor has gathered a bunch of belongings over time.

Mary talks to Kristi about her absence, still upset, as she believes Kristi just left her and has only been two hours away for the last six months.

Brick wakes up trapped under the Matthews's house, and Jim and Tom try to keep him quiet.

As Boyd tries to free Martin from his shackles, a music box begins to play, and Martin urges Boyd to leave before the music stops.

Kenny tries to distract Julie in the diner from worrying about her dad, while two bus goers who fled during the gunshots find themselves at the gas station.

Fatima tries to get other bus goers who ran into the post office but has to flee inside with Ellis when the monsters come. Soon after that, they hear death coming from the streets.

Jim and Tom continue to placate Brick as he begins coughing up blood and struggling with the sounds around him.

One of the bus goers tries to leave and steals Kenny's gun, holding him at gunpoint. He threatens to leave with Kenny but Donna doesn't budge, and when a knock on the window distracts him, Kenny regains control of the gun, and Donna hits him with the shotgun.

Boyd continues trying to free Martin but pauses when Martin brings up Abby. Boyd then notices something crawling under Martin's skin just before Martin scratches his arm and places his bloody wrists against the cut. Martin dies, and Boyd leaves the room only to find himself outside in the forest, surrounded by nothing. He's approached by a dog he then follows into the woods.

The bus goers at the gas station hear knocking at the door and open it.

A monster gets on the bus and kills two bus goers hiding there.

Boyd escapes through the woods, avoiding monsters, and ends up at the trailer where Victor and Tabitha are. They let him inside, and before they shut the door, Elgin shows up, and they begrudgingly let him inside with the monsters on his tail.

Brick begins to choke, making a lot of noise, and seemingly dies. Soon after that, a monster comes and kills Tom.

The sun rises, and Julie and the others find Tom dead, but Jim still alive.

Boyd notices things crawling under his skin, just like Martin's, as the four from the trailer return to town.

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FROM Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Jim: You ever done this before? Spent the night hiding?
Tom: Would it make you feel better if I said yes?

Donna: I know this is scary. But we are not the enemy. The enemy's out there.
Woman From The Bus: Well, that's an odd thing to say.
Donna: Please, just let me explain.
Woman From The Bus: Okay.
Donna: Let's just start with the tree you saw in the road.
Bakta: How did you know about the tree?
Donna: Everyone sees the tree.