Another Visitor - Good Omens
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In the bookshop, Jim/Gabriel makes and drinks a mug of hot chocolate.

In the coffee shop, the local madame gives Nina advice on how to handle her partner’s persistent texts.

Outside, they notice a woman dressed in an entirely white police officer costume heading to the bookshop.

Aziraphale opens the door to find Muriel dressed and pretending to be a human police officer.

She declares her intention to monitor his activities.

He offers her a cup of tea, but she doesn’t know what to do with it.

Crowley joins them. He asks to speak with Aziraphale in private. When Muriel protests, Aziraphale assures her they’ll fill her in on what they talk about after.

Crowley has a plan to get Nina and Maggie to fall in love. Aziraphale is more interested in getting his car keys.

Aziraphale tells the Bentley they’re going to Edinburgh and they drive off to Crowley apprehension.

November 10, 1827

Aziraphale and Crowley meet up in Edinburgh to look at a statue of Gabriel that is incredibly accurate.

They meet a graverobber. She’s taking fresh bodies to a surgeon for autopsy. Aziraphale tries to educate her in the immorality of bodysnatching.

She educates him on the reality of poverty.

In the present day, Aziraphale’s driving the Bentley with classical music playing. Crowley contacts him through the radio and insists he speed up and turn the car back to black from the yellow he’s made it.

Down in Hell, Beelzebub calls a minion in for intel on Gabriel. They still haven’t found him.

In the bookshop, Jim/Gabriel is experimenting with gravity. Crowley discusses it for a moment and then gets distracted by his plan to get Nina and Maggie to fall in love in a sudden rain storm.

Back in 1827, Aziraphale, Crowley, and Elsbeth arrive at the surgeon’s house, a Mr. Dalrymple. To thwart Elbeth’s intention, Aziraphale uses a miracle to decompose the body.

Elsbeth leaves, angry at Aziraphale. Aziraphale and Crowley stick around to talk to Dalrymple. Aziraphale suggests that he get his own cadavers but he laughs at the idea.

Aziraphale reconsiders his position on Elsbeth’s endeavors.

In the present day, Aziraphale arrives in Edinburgh. Dressed as a newspaperman, he finds the pub and asks about the jukebox. The proprietor says the song started playing a year ago. Aziraphale shows him a picture of Gabriel and he remembers that Gabriel was there, sitting with a mason from the lodge next door.

Leaving the pub, Aziraphale realizes the pub’s sign has a picture of the surgeon they dealt with on it and he recalls his attempt to help Elsbeth and her friend with their next body snatch.

It goes wrong and the local watchmen come running. The four hide in a crypt where Elsbeth’s friend dies. Elsbeth decides to sell her friend’s body to the surgeon. Dalrymple will only give her five. Elsbeth steals a bottle of laudanum while his back is turned.

She invites Aziraphale and Crowley to toast her friend before she plans to drink the laudanum and commit suicide. Crowley downs the laudanum before she can. He reacts strangely and shrinks to a tiny size. With a little effort, he grows to a giant size and tells Elsbeth to stop doing the wrong thing. He tells Aziraphale to give her his money, about ninety guineas, and then tells her to go buy a farm.

As they leave the graveyard, Crowley is suddenly recalled to Hell for his good deed.

In the present day, Aziraphale finds himself at the statue of Gabriel. A couple of rough-looking fellows come by and he borrows a phone off one of them to call the bookshop.

He talks with Crowley and tells him what he’s learned. Mr. Dalrymple ended up leaving Edinburgh in disgrace and committed suicide.

In London, Crowley takes the opportunity to bring on the weather to drive Maggie and Nina under an awning together. Just as Maggie is about to declare her love for Nine, the awning tears and soaks them both, breaking the mood.

In the bookshop, Jim/Gabriel has a moment of prophecy.

Shax taps on the window to get Crowley’s attention. He goes out and she jumps into several bodies to accuse him of harboring Gabriel in the bookshop. She threatens Crowley with Hell coming after Aziraphale.


Good Omens
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Good Omens Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

We humans of Earth have a saying. You can only tell if people are in love by waiting a few days because humans are weird and that’s how it works.


Crowley: I don’t know how you lot have managed to stay in charge all this time.
Aziraphale: I’m not sure we have, have we?