Davia and Dennis - Good Trouble
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Mariana learns that Evan's forgotten roughly the past two years of his life because of the multiple strokes that he's had, and it can go either way with his memory returning, but she can't push him to remember things or stress him out too much.

The lawyer tells Mariana that no one should know Evan is awake until he's fully recovered and she's still acting CEO.

Dennis is stressed out with all the work that it's taking to get the restaurant up and running. He's been misleading Davia about how good things are going, and she's done the same, updating him about the play.

Malika wants to spend time with Alice by herself to reconnect with friends and Alice was nervous to tell Sumi about it. But now Alice is worried about Sumi spending solo time with her friends without Alice.

Mariana tries to navigate Evan not knowing who she is.

Malika then invites Gael to come with them because he's way too caught up with the baby even when she's not with him.

Dennis and Luca interview chefs and cooks for the new restaurant.  Dennis chooses the more experienced but assholish chef for sous chef because he needs to, but Luca connects with Ladle, the endearing girl. He hits on her and it works.

Mariana shows the app to Evan who tells her to shut down his pet project app because he doesn't remember it or having a pet.

Davia is nervous when the investors to the play comes in to watch her and he nerves get the better of her because they've made it known that they didn't want her but someone well know.

Angelic is at Duoro for Queer Night too and acts as a wingwoman for Malika.

Mariana confides in the Bulk Beauty girls. They give her advice on how to handle the situation.

Alice gets Gael to drink and loosen up since he's acting all uptight thinking that he can't have fun as a dad anymore. He bumps into an attractive guy. Malika keeps looing at Angelica.

Davia and Dennis are trying to reconnect with each other, but they're so tired and at different stages. Davia feels like they're starting to lose their passion and brings up reasons why she feels insecure when Dennis isn't ready for sex.

Gael hooks up with the guy he bumped into at the bar

Alice is drunk and  jealous and picks a fight with Sumi.  They talk when she's sober.

Gael opens up to his one-night stand about his art journey and having a baby. He breaks down crying and the guy comforts him.

Mariana has to lay down the law with the guy who keeps challenging her. She doesn't kill the app because she doesn't want to give up on the Evan she knows best.

Dennis puts his foot down about the menu and sticking to food he's passionate about. And Ladle shows up to work at the restaurant even though it's not as sous chef yet.

Davia impresses at her audition.

Gael gets back into art.

Dylan goes directly to Evan and tells him about the app, shocking her when she shows up at the hospital





Good Trouble
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Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Dennis: Look at us just... killing it.
Davia: Killing it.

Evan: Could you tell me what is our relationship and why I made you my proxy?
Mariana: Well, I used to work with you, and you're an investor in an app I made with my friends, and we're also friends, I guess.
Evan: Friends, you guess.
Mariana: We are friends.
Evan: Is that why I went to this farm to find you?