Over Eager Planner - Hallmark Channel Season 1 Episode 2
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Ilana teaches her final field studies course about studying artifacts before she and her boyfriend, Mike, travel to Greece for his sister Alex's wedding. He's nervous about them being around his mom, but she likes his mother.

As soon as they arrive in Santorini, Mike's family is charmed by Ilana, and his mom, Athena, guilt trips him for not visiting sooner. When Mike privately tells his mom that he plans to propose to Ilana at the lighthouse where his dad proposed to his mom, his mother invites herself along.

His mom interrupts the moment before he finishes proposing. Ilana wants a simple, small wedding on the beach with a dress her mom designed, but Athena wants to start planning a big Greek wedding immediately.

Athena tricks Ilana into trying on a princess-style ball gown at the bridal salon when she picks up her maid-of-honor dress for Alex's wedding. Ilana insists it's not her style. Athena doesn't listen, is insistent about traditions, and asks about Ilana's family traditions.

Ilana's family had simple traditions like having baked ziti on her birthday, and she doesn't know much about her father. Athena believes Mike's dad would have liked her as much as she does. Ilana looks uncomfortable as Athena begins talking about grandbabies.

Ilana asks Alex if she wants more than running the hotel empire, and Alex admits their family is dysfunctional. This point is proven when Athena announces she's booked January 7th for Ilana and Mike's wedding.

Ilana gets annoyed when Mike concedes that they'll discuss it, but he admits that he feels separate from his family in the States and wants a Greek wedding. She has a difficult time processing this and an even harder time as Athena takes over planning Alex's bachelorette party.

The only thing left is to select the cake, and Athena tricked them again to make it a wedding cake tasting. She also overstepped by ordering Ilana's wedding gown, and Ilana gets upset, telling her to respect her boundaries.

Ilana seems happier helping her friend Catherine on a dig site. They found Aphrodite and Eros pieces. Catherine loves her job but has an interview to teach, so she offers Ilana her job.

Athena tried to make amends, but things were tense. Mike was trying to acquire another hotel for his mom, and it has a history, so he wants to become more involved in the company.

Alex confides in Ilana that Mike would initially stay in the States for a year and return to Greece, but then he met Ilana.

At Alex's bachelorette party, Athena announces they acquired the hotel, and she wants both of her children to be partners. Ilana learns Mike wants them to move to Greece.

Mike grows impatient with how guarded she is with relationships. To show good faith, Athena invites Ilana's mom to Alex's wedding. The mothers discuss their children's engagement.

Ilana takes both moms out to the dig site, and Catherine accidentally reveals Ilana's job offer. Mike gets upset she didn't confide in him earlier, and they break up.

When Athena hears this from Alex, she stops Ilana from leaving Greece and helps her win back Mike.

Alex and Chris's wedding was gorgeous. In the end, Ilana and Mike had a simple wedding on the beach.



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Hallmark Channel Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

I just feel like who you marry is the biggest decision you make in life.


Once you dig up the past, it can never be reburied.
