Face Off
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Hanna is looking over the contract.

Marissa is at the morgue to identify Heller, but the body is not his.

Hanna is hiding out at Sophie's house in a garage down the street and she brings her some food. Hanna is staying in their van.

Sawyer gives orders to Marissa to take time off. He doesn't like her and wants her out of his way.

Erik is recovering at Elsa's house. He doesn't want to go to the hospital even though his wounds are infected.

Carl and Sawyer find surveillance of Dieter. Carl wants to know about the project but Sawyer tells him to back off.

Sophie's parents are going out.

Marissa is seeing a psychologist. She's playing games and being a smug bitch. She's trying to make a deal with the psychologist.

Hanna comes out of the van and starts exploring the garage.

Sophie is babysitting her brother when she gets a text from a friend. She decides she's going out.

Marissa arrives home. Olivier is glad to see her.

Sophie brings Hanna a bunch of stuff like magazines and a candy bar. She invites Hanna to come with her to a party, but she's unsure. Then she decides to go. She's totally out of place and goes outside to the backyard where kids are setting off fireworks.

She goes upstairs to explore and finds some guys making out then goes back downstairs. The lights and music are overwhelming but she fights it and decides to drink and get into the party.

Hanna sees Anton and likes him immediately when Sophie tells her they have to leave. Anton is the guy Sophie has a crush on.

Erik is sitting up and Elsa tells him they haven't found Hanna yet.

Hanna is walking around the neighborhood. She's in high spirits. Her first crush!

Marissa can't sleep because a neighbor's baby is screaming. She has to close the window to get peace, but it disturbs her in more ways than one.

Sophie's father comes into the garage and goes into the van to escape from his wife. Hanna is hiding as he breaks down.

Sawyer and a bunch of CIA guys arrive at Dieter's work to ask about Erik. He lies about what he knows and Sawyer intimidates him.

Hanna tells Sophie about her dad. Sophie cries and Hanna holds her hand. Sophie thinks about running away with Hanna.

Marissa picks up Benoit at school but he's being stubborn. She's a shitty pretend om and Benoit lets her know so.

Marissa calls Carl o find out information while checking Sophie's Instagram and comes across a picture of Hanna from the party.

Hanna's reading a magazine and comes across a quiz about how to tell if you like a boy.

Dan shows up at Sophie's place. He asks about Hanna and Sophie tells him she's sleeping in the back of the van.

Dieter arrives home to find that the CIA car is in front of his house. He goes in to find Sawyer playing with his kids. There's a gun trained on one of his kids and Sawyer wants information or his kid is dead.

Marissa grabs a passport from a bunch hidden in the floor. Olivier is not happy she's leaving again and wants to know how she got bruised but she's not saying anything.

Olivier tells her he wants a child with her and she says she can't have kids.

Hanna is exploring the neighborhood again and rings Anton's doorbell.

Hanna is watching a horror movie with Anton and his friends. It's a zombie movie and it upsets her because it reminds her of her father. When one of the guys throws popcorn at her to sit down, she kicks him in the face.

Anton chases after Hanna but she just runs.

Sophie is having an argument with her parents about being grounded and then encourages her parents to get a divorce. Her father blames her for their problems.

Marissa arrives in London as Claire Simmons.

Sophie, Dan, Hanna, and Anton take a road trip.

Erik is exercising to get better. Elsa comes out to tell him he can't get a hold of Dieter when she's shot in the head. Dieter spilled the beans on Erik apparently.

Erik runs but he's surrounded. There's no escape. Sawyer has him now...and he brought Dieter along.

Hanna lies about Anton for Sophie's sake then a song comes on and they all go crazy like teenagers do. Hanna wants to forget about her old life, but can't.

They're camping out. Anton asks her a lot of questions and makes it clear he likes her.

The sparks from the fire are red hot as Hanna and Anton start making out. They're going to have sex -- safe sex.

Meanwhile, Dan is in the van and finds Hanna's hidden contract while Sophie is passed out.

Marissa is on her way to Sophie's house.











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Hanna Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Sawyer: What you were asked to do to those babies had to be tough for anyone, but for a woman --
Marissa: Fuck you!

Sophie: I want you to trust me.
Hanna: I can't trust anyone.
Sophie: Why did you come here?