The Champ - Heels Season 2 Episode 1
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It’s the night Ace walked out. Crystal is a hero. Jack calls Staci to check in. No doubt, the fair showing was an incredible success.

Gully and his gang are so excited about the possibilities to go live and go live they do mocking the DWL belt since it went to Crystal.

Nobody has seen Ace, but Wild Bill says their Cain & Abel thing will take them to the top if they can keep it together.

Crystal poses in the mirror with the belt while Jack tries to find Ace. His search continues down memory lane when he recalls finding Ace in the yard and their father dead by the porch. Jack covers his dad with his DWL jacket.

The funeral was attended by many paying their respects, and there is a reception in and around the ring. Carol has to listen to adoring fans talk about Tom as a tall drink of water.

Bill is late to the funeral, and Carol doesn’t want him there when he finally does appear. She’s planning on shutting down the DWL and speaks to him disparagingly. He offers cash, which she at first refuses but takes what’s in his pocket and stored in his sweaty boot.

A woman named Barbara brings up Staci’s D&C, which sends Staci into a tailspin. Ace finds her cussing out the woman under his breath. Ace can’t believe she and Jack don’t fight, Jack being Jack and all. Staci tells Ace how much Tom loved him, but Ace thinks he broke his father’s heart.

Tom worked with him and encouraged him in sports. He set goals for Ace, and Ace achieved them until he fucked that up and didn’t follow through. Staci assures him that Tom loved him deeply. Ace wishes he’d been allowed to wrestle, but that’s something Tom didn’t want for his younger son. Staci says Tom was protecting him because he didn’t want him hurt. Shouldn’t have killed himself then, Ace says.

Willie and Jack consider turning the place into a microbrewery. She finds a note for Jack and is upset there wasn’t one with her name on it.

They spar about Tom, tossing around the F word until they feel a little better and apologize. Rooster, Diego, and Jim say Duffy won’t be Duffy without the DWL.

At home, Staci suggests that Jack throw a final goodbye in honor of Tom. When Jack mentions it to Carol, she’s not impressed. She’s eager for the wrecking ball because to devote your life to such a useless thing makes no sense to her.

Jack takes the idea of one last card to the wrestlers, and they’re in. Willie hands them a script Jack wrote, which surprises them. Tom just used to have them wing it, and they think this is awesome. While they’re laughing over it, Ace walks in. He wants to be a part of it. If they’re going to have their last go around with this place, he wants to have his first. He doesn’t want his final memory to be of a gunshot.

He’s sorry that he never turned into the star Dad wanted him to be, but he can do this. He wants Jack to write him a part. When he’s practicing, all Rooster sees is a very green kid who has never been in the ring. Jim reminds him that Ace is the best athlete any of them has ever seen.

Jack had brother vs. brother written into their very first script. Ace was thrilled to be a part of the family business, no matter how fleeting it was supposed to be.

Ace gets very confident, and they allow him some room. But Ace doesn’t quite nail the distance.

They count the bells for King Spade, and the night begins. Ace is scared to death, but Jack assures him he’ll be fine. Ace has never been nervous about anything, but this makes him nervous. Jack reminds him about a time they went to the quarry, and Ace was scared shitless. But he was incredible.

When Ace walked into the room, nobody was sure what to do, but when he began speaking, that changed. Their crafted argument does what it was intended, and the crowd goes wild.

Ace wants to try the top ring before they finish. He remembers watching Tom do the same thing, winking at him before leaping, and -- channeling his father -- Ace does it perfectly. People have tears in their eyes, chanting King Spade.

When it’s all over, they decide to keep it going, having each other’s backs and shaking hands up front to make sure they don’t fight.

Bobby congratulates Crystal again, and they all say goodbye.

Ace takes a box from the house and leaves, with his mother cheering him on under her breath. Atta boy, Ace. Atta boy.

Jack is lamenting the evening when he talks with Staci, but she thinks maybe what happened was good for both Jack and Ace. Jack admits that he has not missed his dad one day since he shot himself. He’s not proud, but it’s who he is. He wonders if that bothers Staci, but it doesn’t in the least.

Jack misses Staci and wants her home. Things aren’t right when she’s not there.

Jack pulls out the note his father left for him. It merely said, “Take care of Ace.”

Jack tries calling Ace again, but Ace doesn’t answer. He’s swilling energy drinks, listening to Boston’s Don’t Look Back, and driving down the dark highway.

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Heels Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

He bought a house, fed his family. Didn’t do much other than wrestle for most of his adult life. That not being enough of a life for him? That’s his declaration. He’s a pussy. He’s a coward, and he took the coward’s way out.


Connie, there’s not a single part of my body I can’t control.

Wild Bill