Boy Talk - Incorporated
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Show flashes back to 12 years earlier. Aaron's Dad was an insurance agent during the horrible climate change storms, and told his son about his dishonest dealings before he jumped off a roof to his death.

Aaron was raised in a FEMA relocation camp at the Milwaukee airport.He pretends to be blind to get handouts, but is chased after he is discovered. Elena helps in his escape, and he aids her by getting extra food rations.

Present day again, where Julian and Elizabeth discuss finding the traitor, and the fact that it might involve investigating Ben. Elizabeth tell Julian to do whatever it takes.

Ben watches Chad being tortured for information.

Laura is jogging and watches Chad's wife and children get arrested. She cuts her arm again.

Julian interrogates Chad, asking him about the Red Zone trip he took with his co-workers. Chad tells Julian that the Red Zone trip was Ben's idea. 

Ben's contact urges him to abandon his attempt to rescue Elena. Ben forms an alliance with a co-worker to throw Ben under the bus about the Red Zone trip.

Julian questions Ben about Chad and the Red Zone trip. 

Theo is offered a chance to fight in the executive club, where his sister Elena is supposedly being used as a sex worker.

Laura talks to Chad's wife in the detention center, offering to help her. Chad's wife begs Laura to have her mother intervene.

Elizabeth counsels Ben about the scrutiny involved in the promotion, telling him he can drop out if he has secrets.

Laura bumps into Ben at Spiga and tells him about trying to save Chad's family. 

Julian interrogates Chad again, but Chad can't remember anything.

Julian's security people find the phantom mode tech that Ben hid in Julian's office.

Julian tells Elizabeth that he doesn't feel that Chad is guilty. 

Julian interrogates Ben about his activity in Chad's office the day after the Red Zone trip. 

Theo wins his cage fight. 

Elizabeth orders Chad's memory wiped before Julian can find out what Chad knew about Ben. 

Chad's wife gives up the rights to her two children to save them from going to the Red Zone. Chad, his memory now wiped, is dumped in the Red Zone - alone.




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Incorporated Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

What's going on downstairs is just the tip of the iceberg. Do you know that expression? It's from when I was a kid.


Julian: Rousing speech.
Elizabeth: Inspiration or intimidation, sometimes it's a fine line.