Louis & Claudia In Europe - Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 1
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Louis talks to Daniel as they read through Claudia's diary, which chronicles Louis and Claudia's journey across Europe looking for other vampires. The pair sleep underground and then travel by night, taking circuitous routes.

When they come up soldiers, Claudia kills them all.

In Dubai, Daniel and Armand are at odds as Louis recounts the trek.

While traveling, Claudia doesn't and then travel by night, speak to Louis, as he believes she's still upset he didn't burn Lestat's body.

While reading the journals, Louis hears that Claudia thought of him as dead weight. Louis thanks Daniel for helping him restore his memories and understand the diaries better.

In the past, Louis and Claudia loot dead soldiers on a battlefield, and Louis has a vision of Lestat, which he often has. Louis apologizes, and Lestat tells him it was a perfect betrayal while telling Louis he is going to kill him, but he's waiting until he's happy.

In Romania, the pair see soldiers shooting up coffins and walk by towns with crosses out front and garlic around soldiers' necks. As soldiers are harassing them, a woman, Amelia, stops to help them and takes them to a factory where others are living.

Louis and Claudia introduce themselves as mother and daughter and show a picture of Grace, claiming that she's Louis's wife.

Louis talks to Amelia's partner, Morgan, while Claudia ventures into nearby woods.

In the present, Louis disagrees with Claudia's words about a conversation with Amelia as he remembers it differently. Arman then admits to Daniel that he never wanted Louis to give the interview, and Daniel wants to know what they're trying to hide.

Louis asks Morgan about the soldiers shooting at the coffins, and Morgan chalks it up to superstitions. Morgan then debunks Louis's story about Grace being his wife, as he knows the photograph is old.

In the woods, Claudia sees a vampire who doesn't look human. The vampire feasts on a soldier and knocks Claudia over after she tries to get his attention, which separates her soldier.

Claudia returns to the factory, and Louis helps her reset her soldier. She recounts what happened in the woods, but Louis isn't convinced. She tells him that all the vampires she's met have been bastards, and she wants to meet one who isn't.

That evening, while the pair are sleeping underground, Louis notices that Claudia is dreaming, which she wrote in her diary she was unable to do.

There is chaos happening in the factory that awakens them, and they see that Amelia was bitten in the neck, seemingly by a vampire. Morgan pleads for Louis to help, but he and Claudia leave before the soldiers chop Amelia's head off.

Louis and Claudia injure a soldier, enticing the vampire out. A woman then attacks Louis, and after he fights back, the vampire attacks him. Claudia then comes to his aid, ripping the vampire's eyes out. The woman, also a vampire, then kills the other vampire, saying he won't be able to hunt without his eyes.

Louis and Claudia follow the woman through the woods and find her at a house where she's draining a soldier. Louis explains to her that the blood is bad there, as there's too much sadness and pain. He says they need to find better blood.

The female vampire says the vampire they killed was the last one left there. And Claudia says she will come with them, to which the vampire briefly agrees before throwing herself into the fire.

In Dubai, Louis asks Armand to show him the missing pages from Claudia's diary, as things are blurred for him, and he needs to reread them. Armand says he wants Louis to end the interview, but he says no.

Armand says they can find the boy they met back in San Francisco inside of Daniel and do that together.

The two rejoin Daniel and decide Armand will talk to him on the record.

Claudia and Louis leave Romania and go west to Paris, where Louis promises her they'll find others like them.

Interview with the Vampire
Episode Number:
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Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Louis: An ancient doesn't need the blood as often as the young do.
Daniel: Intriguing. And disregarding.

Louis: Can you imagine never dreaming? Would you look forward to sleep? Or would it terrify you when the day broke?
Armand: Or is it the sleep of an infant?