Seeking Casper - Invasion
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Jamila bolts awake after a dream about the missing Casper. Jamila's mother doesn't believe her about Casper's abilities. Trevante's mind remains on the invaders as he attempts to readjust to civilian life. He explodes and scares his family after saving his nephew Jordan from drowning. Jamila surprises a man who stealing supplies to feed his family. He confirms her vision of the moon turning red. Travante borrows a computer to search for Casper's drawings. Travante's sister wants to talk about his outburst. She tells him he never really returned from the war. She kicks him out to fight his war. Jamila's mother discovers that she's left on a mission. Soldiers chase Jamila as she returns to the London hospital where she last saw Casper. They leave her a gas mask. She sees the red moon. During his computer search, Travante finds an object in Oklahoma resembling a drawing by Casper and starts driving west. Jamila reaches the hospital and finds Casper's drawer in the morgue empty. She locates Casper's tape player. Then she learns Casper had been transferred to a Paris hospital. Travante comes upon a roadblock. He parks and changes into his fatigues. Jamila runs into a couple of classmates at a refugee camp. They don't believe her theories. But they decide to go with her to Paris. Travante finds a military compound inside the fenced-off area. Jamila and friends run into Monty and his precocious little sister Penny when they try to steal a car. Travante passes himself off as a transfer. This allows him to move easily around the compound. But he gets caught investigating a lab with weird things growing in test tubes. Penny badgers Monty into joining the trip to Paris. Travante gets locked up. The kids head jerkily to Paris in a Jaguar. 

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Invasion Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Darion: You made contact yet?
Trevante: What?
Darion: You can keep on looking but I don't think [the aliens] are coming to the party.

What if you could save everybody?

Jamila [to her mother]