Searching for the Source - Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 Episode 9
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Randall tells an aid all the rules for Bernie's care before taking off. She forgot where he was going. He says he is going to dinner with Joe Jr and Elliot. She says that Joey is such a good boy. She also is upset that she didn't get the right crackers. Her aide knows which ones to get.

Randall thinks they should do an intervention instead of hanging out with Joey. Turns out Joey isn't home. Randall wants Elliot to break into Joey's room to look for proof. Elliot doesn't want to but Randall tells a housekeeper at the motel he needs to get in the room and she lets them in.

 They find a lot of wellness supplements and charity brochures that don't make sense to them. Stabler finds a safe. He gets Randall to open it. They find a wad of cash and some heroin.

Reyes returns. Varga claps. Jet tells him not to. Update: Sam is on leave until Stacy recovers. Bell comes in and gives them a case to work on. Stabler shows her the heroin and wants them to investigate. Bell agrees. They explain to Vargas what a Baker Stamp is. Bell asks Stabler where the drugs came from and he tells her about Joey.

The cops find out the heroin came from an Afghani gang and they know the leader. He's in jail but won't give them any info.

The cops discuss where the drugs came from. Jet sugests maybe militia. Stabler agrees to look into it.

At a meeting at the VA a woman talks about how she can't get the pain meds she needs and a man talks about how he can't go to his kid's basebsll game because the sound of the crack of the bat triggers him.

Stabler goes undercover at the meeting as a man named Henry and says he just wants to listen, not talk.. The group leader approaches :"Henry" and asks what brings him here.  He offers him community and coffee. Stabler asks him for drugs. He asks him if he knows his old man who served in the same platoon. Stabler says he's too overwhelmed to stay for the rest of the meeting and goes.

Joey laughs at Randall because he doesn't like to use public toliets. They go into his room and there's Elliot. Joey is angry that Elliot broke into his room and his safe. Elliot asks how long he's been using.  Joey insists he was hanging onto the drugs for someone else. He insists he's not an addict, gets angry, and tells them both to go to hell.

Joey comes to see Bernadette. She says he seems clammy and asks if he has a fever. He asks her for some money so he can leave town and yells at her. She says she just remembered she spent the money. Joey gets angry. She says what's wrong? He grabs the Mickey Mantle signed baseball and runs away.

Stabler opens a box full of ilitary stuff and finds a medallion. He finds a metal object -- shrapnel maybe?

Stabler returns to the support group. Derek asks him if he's ready to share this time. He gives the metal object to Derek, who recognizes it. He has a photo of his platoon that includes Derek's dad. Derek says this is probably the last picture taken of his dad. What is Staber really doing here? Stabler says he is looking into an organization selling heroin. Derek says he is not selling.. He is looking the other way. The vets are in so much pain.

Stabler returns to the office with a name: Angus Boone. Former military who now owns a farm and is selling drugs.  Boone is giving anonymous large donations to VA suppor groups -- posisble money laundering. Stabler says this is interesting and complicated.

On the car ride over, Darrian says he doesn't want pity. He says Angus saved his life and he owes him. He just wanted Stabler to know that.

He introduces Stabler to Mama Boone who offers Stabler a place to stay and a job. A woman takes him in to wait for Angus.A guy at a pool table says Elliot screwed up his shot and has to give him $20. He and another guy attempt to hit Stabler with a pool cue. Stabler hits them. Boone comes in and tells them to stand down. He takes Stabler for a walk.

Boone says that this is special land full of his family's blood. The Boone family even was involved in the WHiskey Rebellion after the American Revolution. Is Stabler ready to serve a different mission? Stabler says he wants to be whole again. He's gonna be working under Tyler, the man whose ass he just whipped.

Stabler is under cult/prisoner conditions where he has to give TRish his phone and can't leave the property that night.

Reyes and Jet are watching CCTV. Sam's wife is here by herself.

Stcay is upset. Sam is missing and she thinks something has happened to him.

Bernadette accuses Randall of changing Joey. She tells him what happened. What did Randall do to him? She is upset and tells Randall to leave her alone.

Bell has sent Reyes to the hospital with Stacy. They have CCTV of Sam's last whereabouts. He was at a bakery and left with a new employee -- a guy who is here from Afghanistan.

Tyler shows Stabler how to take care of the bees and tells him to pay attention.

Meanwhile the suspect who was last seen with Bashir runs away from Bell and Reyes. Bell can't run but tells REyes to keep going. Reyes tackles him on some stairs and detains him.

The suspect won't talk. He says it's not as simple as helping Sam. He says that he set up a meet for Sam with some heroin dealers. Two guys showed up in an SUV and Sam went with them.  He can't describe the men and says the SUV was expensive.

Stabler and a man return with boxes. Mama Boone says that they are late. Jet and Reyes show up pretending to be tourists doing a travel blog. Jet makes noise in front of Stabler about getting a photo of a sign down the road in the middle of the night.

Stabler sneaks out to meet Reyes, who tells him about Sam's disappearance. Stabler refuses to quit the case.

Stabler gets caught by a guy and claims he went for a walk because he was having nightmares. The guy pulls a gun and says we're going to Agnus. Stabler beats him up and disarms him. The gun goes off -- is he dead?

Agnus thinks this guy is a plant. Mama Boone says to take him to the hospital. Find out what he knows and then Stabler can kill him. He did good.

Stabler watches from the pool table as Tyler talks to Agnus. Tyler comes up to Stabler and tells him to get in the back of a truck. They drive off.


Law & Order: Organized Crime
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Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

This is a special place. You understand that? This isn't just dirt we're walking on. It's blood. 300 years of my family's blood.


Sir, I served my country proudly but the man who came back isn't the same man who left.
