Getting Closure - Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 12
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Sykes is in a bar alone, drinking. There is a flashback of 1997 when she and her sister were bouncing around energetically. HEr sister wanted to go to the pool and they were supposed to clean their room. Later, Sykes gets a phone call as they are about to leave for the pool nad tells Crystal to go ahead. Crystal is walking during the heat and some guy convinces her to get in his truck. He helps her with the bike and she gets in the back of his truck.

In the present, Benson meets Sykes but declines a drink. Benson asks her if everything is okay. Sykes says this is the anniversary of Crystal disappearing. Benson suggests she talk to a therapist if she doesn't want to talk to her. Sykes says Clay is putting her on a case in Wisconsin. Benosn asks why she doesn't look for her sister. She wants to move on. Benson doesn't b uy that. What about her parents? She says they're 70. Benson says don't you think they want to know what happened? Sykes won't let Benson drive her home even though she's drunk. Benson watches her get in a car (Driven by someone else, probably a cab), and looks into Crystal's case.

Fin comes in the next morning and finds Benson checking out Crystal's case. He wonders how 1PP would feel about looking into a 27-year-old case in Allentown. However, Benson found a similar case in 2002. Fin thinks this will get messy.

Curry wants to know why they are looking into this. Benson lies and says it's a favor for Carisi. She wants to exhume the body of a victim who died. She wants to talk to the family. She wants Velasco and Bruno to talk to the parents of another victim upstate.

Gwen's cousin says Gwen was like a sister to him. He says they had got back from a bike ride and she needed to go buy eggs and she never came back. There was a massive search and then a dog found her body.  The father doesn't want to deal with the pain now.

Benson talks to the detective who worked Crystal's case. She wants to go see him.

Mr. Dao believes that his Kim escaped and is still alive. Maybe he's even a grandfather by now. He says he gets greeting cards from Kim for years after she went missing. But then they stopped, a few years later. Maybe that means she escaped. He gives the cops the cards but wants them back in case Kimmy asks for them someday.

Detective McCluskey offers the cops lemonade. Why did they start looking again? Benson asks him what he remembered. He says memory is a monster. He says he talks to Shannah every oncce in a while but he hasn't heard from the cops in a long, long while. He has a board with info.

The photo he has is the same one Shannah has. He thought it would help her get closure but it didn't. 

They want McCluskey to help look into the other cases. He doesn't want to make Shannah mad but everyone promises to keep quiet.

The greeting cards have been traced to a PO Box for a Ronald Givens, but he died in 2012. However he had a son. Meanwhile Curry has found a tech who worked on Gwen's body. FIn thinks they have enough to request exhumantion. However Curry doesn't think the parents will give permission.

Ron Jr insists his dad didn't send them. He did. He said he was the same age of Kim. Bruno said you gave him false hope. He says he thought Kim was cute and he wanted the parents to keep looking. But then he moved onto other stuff. The cops take a DNA sample.

Benson says well now they have DNA. Fin doubts they'll get a sample. Carisi calls with bad news and Benson learns the court order was denied because the parents don't want it. They get the idea to talk to the cousin again.

Cal shows them where Gwen went missing. He doesn't understand why they can'[t just subpoena his aunt and uncle. He'll try to talk to  them. He says he met a friend in the handball court while waiting for Gwen. He thinks they're like the other cops who blamed him. Benson says if he feels powerless he can help them. Maybe there were details he couldn't deal with when he was a kid that he can tell them now. They need new evidence to get the court order.

Curry can't find anyone who will talk about the other disappearances.

McCluskey calls and says he was thinking about the Polaroids. He thinks the guy got married around those years and that's why he threw away the Polaroids. Cal shows up and says he killed Gwen.

Curry and Bruno question Cal. He calims his friend lied for him. He went to the deli and tried to get her to do stuff with him on the way back. He was having a bad time that summer. He was lonely and angry and would watch her get dressed and wonder.  Anyway she tried screaming so he put his hand on her throat and she stopped breathing so he hid her body. Curry asks why he is confessing now. He says so everyone can have closure.

Fin realizes that Cal is making a false confession so that they exhume the body to prove he's lying. FIn is worried there will be no DNA evidence and not be able to clear Cal.

Velasco and Bruno think this is a little much as the body is exhumed. They find very little.

Sykes shows up and is angry Benson is investigating this, and then claims that Benson is doing this because of William Lewis and Johnny D.

Benson is upset when Fin comes in. FIn says Cal will be released ROR.

Cal says that he made a false confession because he wanted to find Gwen's killer.

Curry has gotten a DNA hit to a family member of the person who killed Gwen. The woman says this is impossible. The only person the right age she knows is her father who is not a criminal. She believes he's a good man who goes to church, has grandchildren, and today is his 40th anniversary.

The cops come to the party Kincaid tries to run away. They catch him with a bag full of cash, clothes, and a gun. He is arrested and says he doesn't understand.

Kincaid's lawyer claims the DNA is old. But DNA has a 500-year half life. The lawyer claims he found the Polaroids. Benson says he's a bad liar. He claims he remembers Crystal. Benson wants to know where the bodies are buried. If he cooperates he won't get the death penalty. His lawyer advises against it. He decides to cooperate so he can see hs grandkids grow up. He says he will show them where the girls are buried, all of them. He takes the toa burial ground where he says it was a beautiful place for beautiful girls. He wanted the girls to stay pretty and young forever.

Sykes comes to the morgue. Benson asked the ME to give them a minute.  Benson says if you want to be sure... Sykes wanted her to leave it alone. Why didn't she? Benson did it for Crystal. Sykes says it really hurts. She begins crying and wants space for a second.  Benson leaves and watches her cry.


Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 12 Quotes

So you didn't catch a cold case. It caught you.


I can smell the mildew on the files from here. What are you investigating? The missing LIndenberg baby?
