Loki and Mobius - Loki Season 1 Episode 1
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In New York City in 2012, Loki steals the Tesseract from the Avengers and uses it to get away from them.

Loki crash lands in the Gobi Desert. Time Variance Authority agents -- AKA a hunter and their Minutemen -- arrive and arrest him for crimes against the Sacred Timeline. They collect the Tesseract and reset the timeline.

At the TVA, Loki signs a stack of papers of everything he ever said to verify it. He then has to confirm he's not a robot.

Loki is shown an instructional video about the TVA. Long ago, a multiversal war broke out and the Time-Keepers stepped in to end it by creating the Sacred Timeline. Now, they find and arrest Variants who branch off of the timeline to keep the peace.

In France in 1549, Mobius, an agent of the TVA, is on the scene of what appeared to be a routine nexus event. But the hunter and Minutemen who previously responded to it have been murdered. This is the sixth attack in the last week.

A Minutemen tells Mobius of Loki's arrest.

Loki is called to trial. He pleads not guilty. He says that they should have arrested the Avengers instead because they are the ones who time traveled.

The judge, Ravonna, tells him that what the Avengers did was supposed to happen, but Loki escaping was not according to the Time-Keepers.

Loki tries to use his magic powers, but they don't work in the TVA. Ravonna finds him guilty and sentences him to be reset. Mobius arrives and convinces Ravonna to transfer Loki to his custody.

Mobius asks Loki a series of questions to try to figure out why he does what he does. He then shows him what his future was supposed to look like had he not taken the Tesseract, including his mother's death.

Hunter B-15 pulls Mobius away to tell him that they have lost another unit. When Mobius returns, Loki is gone. He stole the time looper that controlled him.

Loki gets the Tesseract back, but he also finds various Infinity Stones. None of them work there.

He teleports himself back to the room Mobius was holding him in. He watches more of his future, including his father's death, his reconciliation with Thor, and Thanos killing Loki.

Hunter B-15 comes into the room. They fight. Loki breaks free of his chains and puts them on her. He transports her out of the room.

Mobius comes in. He confirms to Loki that he cannot return to his timeline. Loki tells him that he doesn't enjoy hurting people, but he does it because he is desperate for control.

Mobius tells Loki that a fugitive Variant has been killing their Minutemen, and he needs Loki's help to stop him. Mobius tells him that the fugitive Variant is Loki.

In Oklahoma in 1858, Minutemen find an object from the future. Someone lights the field on fire, killing the Minutemen.

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Loki Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Casey: Can you at least tell me what it is?
Loki: It's the Tesseract. Be very careful with it.
Casey: It sounds dumb.

I am Loki of Asgard. And I am burdened with glorious purpose.
