Minx News

Minx Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Woman of the Hour

Minx Review: Woman of the Hour

Constance stuns Doug with a new business plan, and Joyce fights for her magazine on Minx Season 2 Episode 8. Read our review of the season finale here!
Posted in: Minx
Minx Season 2 Episode 6 Review: This is Our Zig

Minx Review: This is Our Zig

Doug accompanies Tina to her mother's retirement party and finds himself on the outskirts, while Joyce and Shelly take a trip to Vassar on Minx Season 2 Episode 6.
Posted in: Minx
Minx Season 2 Episode 3 Review: It's Okay to Like It

Minx Review: It's Okay to Like It

As Minx takes off, Rolling Stone magazine comes to Bottom Dollar to interview Joyce and company on Minx Season 2 Episode 3. Check out our review!
Posted in: Minx

Minx Details

From Starz: 

After Doug and Joyce sell Bottom Dollar to a retired shipping magnate with unlimited money and power, Minx becomes a commercial success, bringing more money, more fame and more temptations. Under new leadership, Doug struggles to find his footing and maintain his control within Bottom Dollar. Meanwhile, Joyce begins to lose sight of her core beliefs as she gets caught up in her rise to stardom. As our Bottom Dollar misfits go mainstream, they start to question who they’re becoming and what they really want from this newfound success.

Number of Episodes
Start Date
Jake Johnson

Minx Quotes

Richie: Some crazy rich lady tracked me down. Offered me a lot of money to take boudoir shots for her. She wants the Minx touch.
Joyce: What? Richie, no. That's beneath you.
Richie: I'm wearing an apron, ogling my godson. Don't tell me what's beneath me.

Reporter: You've had quite the ride, Ms. Prigger. How do you make it look so easy?
Joyce: Well, the real question is, why do men make it look so hard?