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Pride gets awoken to go on a mission to South America. Sebastian and Gregorio go with him. Pride wanted Percy but she was unavailable. A classified mission is after druglord Sergio Rivera. A team was sent after him and got caught in an ambush. An old contact of Pride's, Lt. Daryll Watkins, told his commander to contact Pride. Watkins believed there is a mole in the unit. Connolly, a CIA agent, said that Rivera was funding terrorism. Sgt. Halliday, a survivor of the ambush, fingered Argentine soldier Luis Benecio as the one who killed Watkins. Percy had an interview with the FBI International Unit. Surveillance caught a photo of Halliday with Rivera. Rivera wakes up, then he's killed with a knife, and Halliday is found over his body. All the evidence points to Halliday, but Pride doesn't buy it. Halliday tried to negotiate a deal with Rivera on her own, against regulations. Pride believes her. Pride has Loretta do a virtual autopsy. Percy tells Loretta about her job interview. Halliday and Benecio are taken away for questioning. Pride asks Col Parker that everyone who was on the original mission be allowed to come on the mission to retrieve Watkins' body, and that his team be allowed to inspect the crime scene. Patton is monitoring the mission from Sebastian's body cam. Gregorio tells Pride about Percy's interview, but Isler had already called him about it. Sebastian uploads the hard drive from Watkins' laptop. Sonja found a photo of who Rivera was paying off, but Sebastian shut the laptop too soon. It was Connolly, who takes Pride's team hostage. An explosion allows Halliday to shoot Connolly, after Benecio takes a bullet for her. Patton uses a drone to help them find an extraction point. Percy tells Pride she has been offered the FBI job.

NCIS: New Orleans
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