On New Girl Season 4 Episode 22, Coach gets ready to move out of the loft and wants a clearn break. Schmidt makes a huge decision about his future with Cece.

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When you watch New Girl Season 4 Episode 22 online, you need to get your tissues ready for a joyus moment and a tearful goodbye. As Coach is getting ready to move out of the loft, he's determined to make a clean break and not take any mementos with him. He even convinces Nick and Schmidt to take part in making a clean break and leave the past behind, but Nick figures out he isn't able to let things go and Schmidt realizes he's not ready to get rid of Cece's things. Schmidt tries to get rid of the box of memories he has kept of Cece, but he changes his mind and fights to get the box back. At the loft, Jess finds a loophole and is able to tell Schmidt how Cece really feels about him and he's determined to go and find her on the mountain she's climbing. As he gets ready to leave, Cece is on the other side of the door and he finally lets his heart do the talking and asks her if she is still in love with him. Cece finally admits she is still in love with him and Schmidt takes things one step further and proposes to Cece who happily accepts. Meanwhile, as Coach is leaving, he realizes he wants to remember his friends and takes various items with him. Outside the loft, he has a tearful goodbye with his friends and a promise he'd be back for the wedding.

Episode Details

On New Girl Season 4 Episode 22, Coach gets ready to move out of the loft and wants to make a clean break. Schmidt makes a decision about his future with Cece.

Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (24 Votes)
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New Girl Season 4 Episode 22 Quotes

Winston: Live from New York, it's Coach's goodbye!
Jess: Show's over.
Winston: We ain't doing this?

Jess: There he is! Mr. New York. Mr. Broadway. Happy last day, I made you this.
Coach: It's a bunch of pictures of you.
Jess: Well, I had to take the necessary precautions because the last time you left, you forgot who I was. You called me Jebecka.