Connecting - Night Court
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Open on the courthouse during the day. Dan bails Abby out of jail. As they discuss her defense, they notice a distinctive scent. It’s the cologne worn by DA Jeff Dewitt. He’s sitting nearby. He plans to charge Abby with felony breaking and entering.

In her chambers, with Rand in the corner reading, Abby freaks out on Dan about being charged and possibly convicted of a felony. Dan reassures her.

Rand suggests they go in with a random non-strategy. Dan suggests blaming it on Louise. Abby is reluctant to use Louise as a scapegoat.

Rand continues to throw nonsensical strategies at Dan. They find Neil and Gurgs in the cafeteria preparing Gurgs for a trip to London. Dan leaves Rand with them.

Rand tells Neil and Gurgs that he’s decided to move to New York permanently to be with Abby.

Abby finds Olivia in the courtroom. Jeff Dewitt has told her that he’ll fire her if she doesn’t help prosecute Abby. She’s conflicted.

Abby goes looking for character witnesses around the courthouse. Sandy’s not helpful. Abby sees Louise, looking sad.

She goes over and reassures Louise that the plan was mostly Abby’s. Louise reveals she’s wearing a wire and DA Dewitt crows victory, dressed as a custodian and wearing a fake mustache.

Dan debriefs with Abby. She has no character witnesses and Dan’s concerned that Dewitt is going to destroy her.

Rand suggests she take a plea deal. That would mean she could be suspended from the bench for up to a year. Rand sees the bright side where she could come back Upstate with him for that time.

They discuss how they’ve grown apart since Abby’s come to New York. They agree breaking up is the best for both of them. Abby gives back her engagement ring.

When court convenes for Abby’s trial, she produces one of the gallery regulars as her character witness. She’s not very good. Dan tries to convince Abby to let him call Louise back to the stand to tear her testimony apart.

Rand enters the courtroom suddenly with Neil and Gurgs, as well as a number of people who have been in Abby’s courtroom as defendants. Olivia cheers but covers it when Dewitt glances at her.

Abby’s character witnesses are all genuine in their appreciation of Abby’s kind and fair approach to justice. While Gurgs is on the stand, Dewitt orders Olivia to destroy her testimony.

Olivia can’t do it and publicly recuses herself after stating that Abby’s influence has been positive and ruined her career-focused drive.

While Dan gives his closing statement, Louise is moved to make a statement and announces that Dewitt blackmailed her.

Louise’s announcement causes the judge to dismiss the case with prejudice, freeing Abby from the charges and any future charges to do with her attempt to rescue Louise’s boyfriend.

Gurgs finds Abby in her chambers writing a card for Dan. Dan sits down with Olivia in the cafeteria and starts ranting about how this should be the highlight of his career. Abby shows Gurgs the card which reads, “Don’t Go.”

She wonders if she can ask him to stay, if it would be selfish of her. Dan tells Olivia he never thought it would be so hard to leave. Olivia asks why he’s leaving. He says it’s because no one’s asked him to stay.

Dan finds Abby sitting at her bench. They stumble over each other’s goodbyes. She thanks him for making her feel at home in the night court. She gives him a new gavel as a going away gift. He starts to leave. She stalls but still fails to ask him to stay.

The court session begins with a new public defender in Dan’s place.

In the Pearl River courthouse, Dan’s ruling on a fight at a bachelorette party in the French Quarter. The defendant bride-to-be is Roz Russell. She refuses to let him rule on her case and demands to be taken back to jail.

Night Court
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Night Court Season 1 Episode 16 Quotes

I just wanted to stop by and make sure everybody’s being charged correctly. I think that our judges need to be held to a higher standard, especially ones who are, in legal parlance, STUPID-FACED JERKS!


Dan: You’re looking pretty good for somebody who spent a night in jail. See you already got a tattoo.
Abby: It’s temporary but somehow already super infected.