Abby, Rand, and The New Guy - Night Court Season 1 Episode 15
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Rand is telling Abby about his subway experience. She disengages to start court, but Rand doesn’t get it until Dan scolds him into sitting down.

Abby pulls Dan and Olivia in to discuss her relationship, but Dan opts out. Olivia reluctantly stays in the conversation.

Rand cheers Abby’s ruling when she dismisses a case of arson against an elderly lady whose birthday flan got out of hand.

Rand and Abby are talking between sessions when a new public defender comes in and starts setting up. He introduces himself as Kent Clark and offers Abby some black licorice. She declines but Rand takes him up on the offer.

Abby leaves Rand with a whistle to protect himself from birds so he can take a self-guided tour of the building. She goes to find out what happened to Dan.

Olivia sits down with Gurgs in the cafeteria. Gurgs is studying a book then suddenly closes it and starts bashing it on the table.

She explains to Olivia she’s been trying to pass the bailiff supervisor exam but is terrible at tests. Olivia offers to help her.

Abby finds Dan in her chambers writing a goodbye note. She tears him a strip for trying to leave without telling her.

He tells her he’s leaving to take up a position as a judge in Pearl River, Louisiana. She admits that’s a good reason for leaving, but is upset he wasn’t going to put that in the note.

They discuss how Abby dragging him out of retirement so that he could fulfill his dream of being a judge.

Rand returns from his tour and Abby tells him about Dan leaving.

Abby plans on throwing Dan a good-bye party. Rand agrees to help and asks if Abby’s ready to go for dinner.

Just as they’re leaving the arson defendant comes in to ask Abby to do her favor immediately. Rand lets Abby postpone their dinner to help the woman.

Abby feels bad and tells Dan to go to dinner with Rand so they can start planning the party.

Olivia is helping Gurgs prep for her test and encourages her to use visualization techniques to calm herself if she panics during the exam. Gurgs closes her eyes and sees Olivia dressed as the Hamburglar, Abby dressed as a leather jacket wearing beatnik, Neil as a Muppet, and Dan as Pennybags from Monopoly. They are feeding her the answers.

Abby’s helping the defendant, Louise, get a do-over on the birthday she was throwing for her friend at the seniors’ home. The home’s supervisor, Evelyn, has banned Louise from the facility.

Evelyn explains that the seniors’ parties get out of hand. She refuses to lift the ban and leaves.

Louise explains to Abby that she met her fella, Elmer, late in life and they don’t have many years left to spend with each other. Abby is inspired to help Louise and Elmer celebrate his birthday together. If Evelyn won’t let Louise in, they’ll have to bring Elmer out.

At Dan’s going away party, Neil tells Olivia and Gurgs about hanging out with Gabby’s kids. Gurgs demonstrates her ability to remember people and Olivia sees it as a superpower.

Abby gives Dan a taste of her speech. He plans on leaving as soon as he can. Rand joins them and uses a pun Abby intended to use in her speech.

Olivia has Gurgs give her the rundown on the big wigs in the room. Gurgs identifies a lawyer visiting from England, Emily Carpenter. Olivia decides to make friends with her.

Abby congratulates Rand on putting together a great party. He expresses his happiness at getting to spend some time with her finally.

Just as Abby is sharing that sentiment, Louise calls with a plan to break Elmer out of the home immediately.

Abby reluctantly agrees to help. Rand is upset that she’s leaving the party he planned for her friend. She apologizes but promises she’ll be right back.

She goes to tell Dan she’s leaving but he has to stay. She makes him promise to stay until she gets back to say her goodbyes.

Neil corners him with a letter he’s written bidding him goodbye. To pre-empt him, Dan offers him a job with him in Louisiana. Neil sadly declines because of his relationship with Gabby.

Just as Neil leaves, Rand traps Dan to talk about his fight with Abby. Dan give him some sound advice then leaves the conversation before Rand can express his gratitude.

Abby and Louise make a mistake in breaking Elmer out.

Dan sits down with Gurgs. She shares that she got word she didn’t pass the exam again. He gives her some sound advice and then leaves as she tries to thank him.

Olivia brings Emily over to meet Gurgs. Emily believes Gurgs’s superpower makes her perfect for an elite unit at Scotland Yard.

A waiter finds Dan hiding in a corner of the room. Dan unloads on him about how he wants to get away and even though he promised Abby he’d stick around for her goodbye, he doesn’t think a messy emotional one is good for them.

He jumps in his ride to the airport just as Abby calls him. He tries to explain why he left, but she cuts him off to ask him to come bail her out of jail because she’s been arrested.


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Night Court Season 1 Episode 15 Quotes

Abby: Look at how cute he is, sitting courtside, like a basketball wife or a more handsome Jack Nicholson.
Olivia: More handsome? Someone clearly hasn’t seen The Shining.

You don’t understand. They were doing flips OVER me. They made Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray look like trash. Most impressive part was none of the dancing was even remotely dirty.
