Outer Range News

TV’s Best, Most Passionate (Fictional) On-Screen Breakdowns

Epic On-Screen Breakdowns

The character arc is the driving force behind a show's success and failure. That said, some character arcs take the actors and audience on a wild, emotional ride!
Posted in: Saved by the Bell
Outer Range Review: Broken Time

Outer Range Review: Broken Time

In our review of Outer Range Season 2 Episodes 6-8, Wayne Tillerson leaps, Amy's ultimate role begins to take shape and an element of the time paradox is embraced.
Posted in: Outer Range

Outer Range Details

Prime Video

Outer Range Quotes

It's gonna eat you up to keep all of this inside.

Royal Abbott

When I realized it was me who was the one in pain when I realized that I had created the hole inside me, it spat me out like it never wanted me in the first place.

Royal Abbott