A Dangerous Secret - Outlander
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A box that says Jeremiah Alexander Ian Fraser MacKenzie is delivered, most likely, to Brianna and Roger.

Inside, they take the box and hesitate before looking inside. Inside, there are many letters to Brianna from her parents.

Everyone got out of the house OK after the explosion, the details of which are in the first letter Brianna opens. The people on the Ridge try dousing the house with water, but the fire quickly destroys it in its entirety.

They just lost their family, and now they’ve lost their history, as well. Jamie asks everyone to stop their efforts. They’re not dead, Jamie says. So much for their obituary. Claire says bloody newspapers. They never get anything right.

Roger laughs. Brianna bombed their house. And they can’t die in a fire in January because there’s nothing left to burn.

Some of Claire’s things remain in the house, charred but recognizable. Jamie finds some other things that were left relatively unscathed, too. It’s so sad to think that their drawings of the kids are gone.

Jamie wonders why Claire can never say no when it comes to aiding a dying man. Life must always go on, she implies, and Jamie says he’ll do the same.

Ian found a photo or drawing of Willie, John’s lad. Ian digs for information, and Jamie mentions how he saw him recently in Wilmington. Ian says, “You must be proud.” Jamie wonders how he knows. Ian saw how Jamie looked at him and recalls how William was as stubborn as other Frasers. He promises never to speak of it to a soul.

Lizzie and Josiah bring some things for Claire. Food, a blouse. They’ve looked everywhere for her cat, who hasn’t turned up anywhere. Claire is sure he’ll turn up.

Jamie finds Mr. Bug at the house. Jamie won’t have more thugs at the Ridge. Mr. Bug assures Jamie that there are no other thieves. The Jacobite gold is here. Jamie wonders how Bug found gold, and Bug says he found it in a crypt in River Run. Bug speaks oaths he’s made, and promises Bug will never find the gold. Jamie tells him to take his wife and leave the Ridge, not to return.

Mrs. Bug says there is no shame in what they’ve done. They’ve served and slaughtered and seen things, looking away. They’ve earned this. It’s their time.

Jamie and Ian watch Bug digging for gold in the burned-out ruins of the house. Bug shoots at Jamie, but Ian is faster with an arrow. It wasn’t Mr. Bug at all. It was Mrs. Bug, and she inexplicably dies from an arrow to her right shoulder. Ian is bereft. He had no idea it was her. But Jamie has found the gold.

Mrs. Bug cared for and protected them for so long, and Ian killed her. Ian is searching for something to do to make it right. All he has to do for now is breathe, Claire says. Claire has to take her own advice.

Mrs. Bug is in the barn with Claire tending to her. Claire wonders why they buried the gold under their home, and Jamie wonders why he didn’t just let her take it.

On the way to the cemetery, they discuss guardians and who was the last guardian. They come across Mr. Bug, who asks Claire to sing.

When everyone has left, Ian offers his life for Mrs. Bugs, but Mr. Bug says how about your hound. Ian says no, and Mr. Bug promises Ian will see him again when he’s got something of value to give.

Arch Bug didn’t return after that, so they thought of the future. Jamie found a place for their new home. Claire wonders where Jamie might want to be buried — here or in Scotland. He says just leave it out for the crows. Jamie can’t think of Claire dead, so he won’t even entertain where she might want to be buried.

Before they build, Jamie wants to go back to Scotland. There is something he must do. He promised his sister long ago he’d return Young Ian to her. With the war ahead, if he’s to take him home, it’s got to be now. They’ll leave in a few months' time when their affairs are in order.

Jamie also made a promise to himself that he’d never face his son across the barrel of a gun, so taking him away from here would be good. They live in their original home, where Brianna and Roger had been living.

Jamie prayed before sleeping that he would be enough for Claire. Upon waking, he says he had a dream about Roger and wee Mandy, who was a little bit older. He dreamed that Jemmy picked up a phone and wanted to talk to Grandda.

Jamie melts gold and makes them into musket balls. Ian promises not to use them to hunt, and he worries he may not be able to return home. It was a book Brianna said she read, and Claire says that she prefers Robert Frost, who said home is the place where they always accept you.

Jamie and Claire take the gold to a cave to hide it. Nobody must ever know about it. He had been there with Jemmy. Jamie and Jemmy prayed for the dead man inside, and Claire marvels that Jamie always knows the proper prayer for every occasion.

Claire and Jamie prepare for their travels by entrusting the Ridge and its settlers in the hands of those close to them.

One of Jamie’s letters talks about the gold and where to find it. Roger wonders if it was about the lost Jacobite gold. Roger and Brianna ponder asking Jemmy about the Spaniard but decide against it.

Brianna doesn’t want to keep reading because once they’re done, it’s like her parents are really gone.

Jamie gives Claire a new blade since she lost her last in the fire. He wants her to feel safe during the journey. The blood of my blood the blade so it knows its purpose.

Brianna and Roger go to Lallybroch. It’s all boarded up, and Roger begins prying them away from the windows. they want to have a wee look. He wishes he could have seen it in its heyday, and she says he would have loved it.

Lizzie cries at the thought of saying goodbye to Claire and Jamie. They all say their goodbyes.

Brianna looks at the arch leading to Lallybroch, and she wishes she could see them. They both miss them very much. They need to relieve Fiona, though. As they’re ready to leave, a real estate agent drives up. Lallybroch is for sale.

When they’re leaving the Ridge, Claire finds her cat and sends him off into the woods, where there are plenty of birds and squirrels for it to eat. Claire sobs into Jamie’s arms. It’s just a cat. But as she’s sobbing, she finds the marker that designates the entrance to Fraser’s Ridge.

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Outlander Season 7 Episode 3 Quotes

You and your matches. You bombed the house, darling.


Claire: Well, it’s not January.
Jamie: Nay. And we’re not dead. So much for our obituary.
Claire: Bloody newspapers. Never get anything right.