Koh Hansu - Pachinko
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The name of the mysterious man in the white suit is revealed to be Koh Hansu, and he apparently has blood on his hands.

Sunja witnesses Koh Hansu threaten a boy and his father.

Solomon attends the wedding of a very important man's daughter.

Even in this modern-day setting of 1989, Solomon is treated differently due to the Korean and Japanese disputes.

Solomon reassures Tom that his loyalties lie with the company.

Sunja's sister-in-law is very sick.

Her sister-in-law asks her if she ever thought about how different if she chose differently.

Teen Sunja tells Koh Hansu to leave the young boy alone, and that he did nothing wrong and shouldn't threaten him.

It was a risk, but he doesn't get angry at her after they have a discussion.

Korean women are being mistreated around the country, and Sunja's mother worries about her safety.

Her sister asks her about the new broker, and she says not to fuss over him.

Solomon discusses with his colleagues about the building they are trying to buy.

Tom thinks it's all about the money which pisses off one of their colleagues, and she storms out.

The funeral for the Emporer commences.

Solomon wants to know why Tom ended up in Japan.

He explains to Solomon that it was his family life and his divorce.

The Pachinko parlor is very popular.

Solomon's father gets the loan documents settled for his new Pachinko Parlor.

Solomon wants Tom to offer the woman one billion yen for her property, knowing she may not be able to turn it down.

Teen Sunja arrives at the fish market and there is a gift waiting for her from Koh Hansu.

She refuses it and leaves the market.

As she leaves the market, she gets harassed by three Japanese boys.

They drag her into a stall and start to sexually harass her.

Koh Hansu arrives and saves her, telling the boys to apologize or die.

The boys apologize, and Kon Hansu tells Sunja that he will make the grovel and apologize until she is satisfied.

He tells her that the boys won't bother her again.

On the ferry home, Sunja and Koh Hansu talk about their lives.

He tells her he means her no harm.

They agree to meet up at the cove before lunch the next day.

Solomon heads into the woman's property with a gift, trying to get her to sell her property.

He offers her one billion yen, which causes her to stop in her tracks.

They have a discussion about the past, and how older people like to make younger people feel bad.

She refuses the offer and shoves Solomon.

Teen Sunja cleans Koh Hansu's shirt, and they discuss why she never got schooling.

She's offended, and he tells her he meant no offense, and just wanted to know if she has dreams.

He tells her about the world and how it's different from where she lives, and how her life could be different.

They agree to meet by the Cove again while she does laundry.

Grandma Sunja and her sister-in-law eat dinner together. Sunja snuck her sister-in-law's medicine into her food.

Koh Hansu tells her he feels no sense of loyalty, and neither should she.

Solomon gets a call from a woman named Hana.

They seem to have a long, troubled, and romantic past.

Koh Hansu and Teen Sunja hunt in the woods for mushrooms.

The phone call ends with him wondering where she is.

Koh Hansu and Sunja have a sexual encounter.


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Pachinko Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Solomon: I just remembered something you said when we were kids.
Co-Worker: What was that?
Solomon: You said your father told you that Koreans must've been raised by dogs. Why else would we shove our faces into our bowls instead of picking them up like you?

Tom: It's complicated.
Solomon: I can see that.
Tom: Just focus on the deal. Make it happen.
Solomon: I intend to.