A Meeting Of Minds - Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 3 Episode 1
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Marvin gets a ride from one of the apartment tenants, who takes him to the shop to clean it out while Marvin tapes up his gunshot wound.

Raq talks to the cops at the hospital while Lou-Lou deals with the cops at the studio. Both stressed to the cops that Crown was behind the ambush due to his outstanding debts. It’s a story that Howard also helps back up.

Unique returns home and finds his older brother Ronnie there, having been released from prison early.

Burke comes to the hospital ready to tell Baptiste about Howard, but Baptiste escorts her out of the hospital and suspends her.

Sal visits Stefano at the fish shop, and Stefano tells him that the FEDs are listening, cops are everywhere, and he needs to stay out of New York.

Raq, Kanan, Marvin, and Jukebox go to Raq’s new house, and Raq apologizes to Jukebox for Kenya’s death. She then tells the family she’s leaving the business, but Kanan doesn’t believe her and tells her he doesn’t have time for her anymore before leaving.

Jukebox follows Kanan outside and tells him he should give Raq one more chance, but he tells her he’s not going down because of Raq.

Raq tells Marvin about Howard being Kanan’s father.

Burke visits her dad, who tells her that IAD is investigating her.

Unique and Ronnie drive around the neighborhood, and Ronnie laments leaving Unique in charge only for him to work for the mafia and Raq. Unique tells him that business has changed, and he’s had to change with it.

Famous shows Kanan the eviction notice he got, and Kanan tells him he’s ready to make his own money.

Raq and Howard meet up and discuss their need to be on the same page regarding Kanan.

At the meeting with IAD, Burke is confronted with evidence of her inappropriate relationships with minors.

At his home, Marvin shows Jukebox a box of items Kenya kept for Jukebox, and he also offers to go to Kenya’s memorial with her.

Raq and Howard show up at Famous’s apartment and ask him to leave so they can talk to Kanan. Howard explains to Kanan that things are serious and they must keep things tight. Kanan then tells him that Burke knows everything.

Burke’s girlfriend breaks up with her.

Unique’s girlfriend tells him she’s uncomfortable with Ronnie being around their family, and he tells her he has a plan.

Lou-Lou calls Kanan to Raq’s old house, where they commiserate together over Raq.

Unique goes to Raq’s house, and the two have sex.

Howard calls Burke to meet.

Jukebox listens to the records Kenya left for her.

Howard gets into Burke’s car, and she reveals everything she knows about his history with Raq and Kanan. Howard then shoots Burke dead, takes her gun and the recorder she had on her, cleans his prints, and leaves the scene.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan
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Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

You don't live here. The fuck outta here with that. You live wherever your mother live. Understand?

Marvin [to Kanan]

Howard: Cap, if Burke could get the fuck out of her own way, she could be good police.
Baptiste: It's too late for that.