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Ghost accompanies Angela to the hospital, where he is questioned by police about the shooting. He later sees Paz at the hospital, who informs him that Angela has died. 

Meanwhile, Tommy meets with Tasha and tells her what happened, while also asking for an alibi. He then gives the gun he used to shoot Angela to Keisha and asks her to dispose of it. 

Tameka, Saxe, and Jerry meet to discuss Angela's death and place blame on one another. Saxe vows to prove that Ghost killed him. 

Tameka is later fired and replaced by Jacob Warner, who permits Saxe to go after Proctor and Ghost and develops a task force with Blanca Rodriguez heading it. 

Tasha searches for Terry and begins to suspect Ghost had something to do with his disappearance. 

Tommy meets with Jason, who delays giving him his shipment, which causes problems with his primeras. 

Tariq comes back from school to meet with Tommy and spread Kanan's ashes. 

Ghost follows Tommy to his meeting with Jason and shoots at his car believing him to be dead. However, Jason had set a trap to see if there were still problems between Ghost and Tommy, so at the time of the shooting Tommy wasn't in the car. 

Tommy tries to send Keisha away but she decides to stay with him. 


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Power Season 6 Episode 1 Quotes

Ghost: She shoved me out of the way. She saved my life. How many times did you say she was gonna pick herself over me, huh? You were wrong. Say it! You were fucking wrong.
Proctor: And I said I'm sorry. I was wrong.

Ghost tricked me into killing my father. And you think I'm gonna let some shit like that slide? Then you don't know who the fuck I am. I'm sorry about the kids, Tasha. They've already been through a lot. And I get it if you gotta make a move against me. But this how I'm moving now.

Tommy [to Tasha]