A DAngerous GAme - Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin
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The Liars know the end is closing in and set off on a mission to get answers.

They realize that there could be two Angela's in the family when they find proof of another kid there.

As the liars search, the moms are kidnapped.

Sheriff Beasley snaps and tries to murder his family, but Martha stabs him in the abdomen.

The liars go to the school and are each given a task to harm or kill someone who wronged them.

They pass the test by showing restraint, but are shocked to find their moms tied up in the hall.

A appears and then Principal Clanton. A is revealed as Archie, while Clanton is revealed as his father and Angela's.

We learn that Angela told Davie about the assault and she vowed to erase her because she was going out with the Sheriff.

As things took a dangerous turn, Kelly and Greg showed up.

A chased Imogen to her house and she fought back so well, until we cut to the hospital.

Everyone leaves and goes back home.

Chip is arrested and gets out on bail.

A escapes and kills Beasley and then Chip.

Aria and Ezra will be the parents of the child.

Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin
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Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Rose: Look at yourself. Your face, showing off your body.
Angela: Please, Mom. All the girls wear makeup and dresses.
Rose: Don't you see? This is why you were hurt. You invited it!
Angela: No, I didn't. Don't blame me. What's bad about wanting to go to a party with my friends?
Rose: Your friends? I was invited. They want me... and I'm going.

Faran: Kelly, what's going on at your house?
Karen: My dad's fսck¡ng spiraling. He... He knows what Mama said to you, to both of us. And now I am not allowed to go back to school until after Christmas break.
Faran: Why?
Kelly: So I can't cause any more trouble. I shouldn't even be here. I had to sneak out. We're basically under house arrest.
Faran: Kelly... it's time you know the truth. That your dad may be at least partly responsible for Karen's murder... if not fully.
Kelly: Not this again, Faran.
Kelly: Karen's death was an accident. There's a crazy masked killer terrorizing me and the girls. Tyler Marchand isn't missing. He was murdered. Also, Henry wasn't the one who went after you in the auditorium. That was A. A is what he calls himself, and A... pushed Karen out of those rafters at the dance... for being a bully.
Kelly: Karen was... murdered? By the same guy who chased me?
Faran: I'm telling you now because A... is avenging the death of Angela Waters. All the people who hurt her. I know, it's a lot, but I'll talk to the girls at school tomorrow. We, we will make a plan. Figure out a way to get you and your mom out of that house and away from your dad. Can you make it one more night, Kelly?