Emotional Goodbyes - Queer Eye
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The Fab Five head to Gay, Georgia to makeover their first woman, Tammye.

Tammye is a loving church-going woman who spends time helping children and her family. She was nominated by her friend and neighbor, Gene. Tammye has survived cancer.

The Fab Five visit Gene at the unfinished but renovated community center. Gene takes them inside the church; however, Bobby won't enter inside because of the past hate he's received.

Jonathan likens Tammye'shome to a painting by Bob Ross. The place is idyllic and gorgeous.

Tammye lets the Fab Five call her "Mama Tammye." Her dream is to make the community center into a place that place can seek help and shelter.

Tammye's bedroom is messy with lots of clothing and junk on the ground. Tan discovers the hat that belonged to her late mother; he thinks she could wear hats like her mother.

Antoni determines that he isn't needed to help since Tammye has everything set with the homecoming. He's there to learn and grow.

Jonathan wants to darken Tammye's hair, make it shinier and look more natural.

Karamo chats with Miles (Tammye'sson) to learn about the situation in Gay, Georgia. Miles is gay and returned home from Atlanta to live with his mother. He's dealt with racism and homophobia. Bobby has a heart-to-heart with Tammye about his own experience with religion. Tammye wants her son to feel loved in town.

The Fab Five bond with Tammye's sister about singing and the choir in town. They chat about Miles' hesitation about moving back home, and his coming out story.

Bobby starts renovating the community center.

Jonathan invites Tammye's daughter Jessica to the salon for a makeover as well. Miles also gets a makeover and agrees to come to the homecoming. Jonathan gives Tammye a stunning makeover with a sleek short hairdo.

Karamo and Bobby take Miles to an LGBTQ choir.

Tammye teaches Antoni how to create her famous pasta salad.

Miles cleans up his room and makes it look presentable. Tammye is overly excited.

The Fab Five redesign Tammye's bathroom as a special surprise for her. The bathroom is her personal space and spa away from the world.

Karamo gives Tammye a bible with an inscription from her mother and grandmother.

Tammye, her sisters, and the Fab Five visit the community center. They are so overwhelmed with emotions and happiness. Tammye thanks the Fab Five and tells them why she loves them.

The homecoming is a success. The Fab Five share their thoughts on love and happiness.

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Queer Eye Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Picture it! You click on Netflix and you turn on that Bob Ross collection they have on there now. So peaceful. You’re taking a little gander; you see a little side street. You’re like, “Let me go down there.” You come upon a little horse farm. Some little birds living up there, and some little hay over there. That’s Tammye’s house. Gorgeous!


Tammye: I said, “But I need to ask you for your forgiveness, because Mama has not loved you unconditionally.” And, you know, he looked at me and said, “Mama, I forgave you a long time ago.” And, I said, “No! I need to hear you say that.” I said, “Because, the Bible that I read tells me that if I have wronged someone or mistreated someone to ask their forgiveness first and then I’m free to go to the Father.” And then I told him at that point, “Your Mama has your back.”
[Cuts to confessional]
Antoni: She thought her faith told her to judge somebody who was gay, but she chose to see past that and she saw the individual. She saw the person who her son is and she changed her mind. She says that it was a religious experience, but she made that choice. Not all parents do that.