Coming Up With The Plan - Queer Eye
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The Fab Five are driving to meet William in Dehlongica, Georgia. He was nominated by his live-in girlfriend. They met during a Walmart training program.

William tucks in his shirt, he only makes meals on repetition, and Shannan feels he has become complacent. She wants to get married, but he hasn't taken the courage to do so.

The Fab Five visit the bowling alley and whisk William and Shannan away to check out their home. They love the paintings around the house; however, the couch is a mess and needs to go.

Jonathan is in love with the love note William saved from Shannan.

The Fab Five do a fashion show to show William that he needs to try new clothing. Tan pulls on the holes on William's shirt to prove that he needs to get rid of it.

William claims his fashion inspiration is Frasier Crane from Frasier. Tan is worried that William might not be able to be helped. Jonathan, meanwhile, is scared that William might have lice.

By the end of the week, William decides that he's going to propose to Shannan.

Tan takes William to Bonobos to get some new clothing. He teaches him how to properly tuck his shirt and what clothing he needs to wear for his ideal style.

Antoni and William shop at a grocery store to pick up items for new vegeatiran dishes.

Karamo convinces William to create a romantic-comedy to help him propose. The video would be played before a movie in a theater. They take William to get an engagement ring.

Jonathan and William go to a dermatologist to find out about his skin redness. They shave his beard and do a consultation to treat it. Jonathan cuts his hair and performs a grooming technique.

The Fab Five shoots the proposal video.

Bobby introduces William to his newly redesigned home.

Antoni teaches William how to create a cauliflower dish to impress Shannan.

William thanks the Fab Five for everything they've done. They have changed his life and he invites them to his wedding.

Shannan loves William's new look and the changes to their home. he says that he didn't realize how powerful a haircut could be to change his life.

The proposal video is played in the theater. Shannan starts crying over the emotion of the scene. He asks her to marry him and she accepts.

Queer Eye
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