The Surgery - Queer Eye
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The Fab Five watch a video of a transgender man (Skyler) receive their top surgery to physically become a man.

Skyler is a transgender man from Athens, Georgia who recently had his surgery six weeks prior. He needs help from the Fab Five to get a makeover on his wardrobe, grooming, and his life. He also wants to throw a party for all the people who helped him.

Skyler's home has a lot of queer representation in it, but he designs it like a 19-year-old. He also dresses like a skater boy. Tan wants to fix his wardrobe badly.

The Fab Five ask Skyler about his surgery. Unfortunately, he reacted poorly to the drugs and his organs shut down; he needs to have another surgery to fix them and will be in debt.

Jonathan wants to fix Skyler's grooming, especially with the beard.

Skyler wants Todrick Hall to be his style inspiration.

Skyler wants to change his gender marker on his ID to male. It's one of the biggest things on his to-do list.

Antoni is disgusted by Skyler's fridge. He wants to organize things and to have Skyler eat more regularly.

Tan wants to get Skyler into a suit that works for him. Also, a major update to Skyler's wardrobe.

Bobby and Skyler discuss their coming out stories.

Tan gives Skyler a custom suit that's designed for transgender men. They do the dressing at the loft.

Skyler and Tan discuss proper pronoun use for transgender people and his experience during his hospital stay. Tan gets emotional over the experience; he admits his own lack of knowledge over the situation.

Karamo takes Skyler to get his gender marker changed. The application is a success and his ID is changed.

Bobby shows Skyler some furniture to help organize his clothing and items.

Jonathan cleans up Skyler's beard and he makes the stubble more prominent. He removes the perm from his head; he also applies concealer to his face.

Bobby organizes Skyler's home with frames, furniture, and shelves. Skyler's bedroom gets a complete transformation to look masculine and adult.

Antoni teaches Skyler how to make poke.

Tan creates a balanced wardrobe of work and play.

Skyler is thankful for everything that the Fab Five has done for him. He needed Karamo by his side to get his ID changed.

Todrick Hall makes a surprise visit to Skyler's home. Skyler starts crying because he's so happy.

Skyler enjoys the party with all his friends. He reveals his scars to the crowd.

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Queer Eye Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Karamo: Is there anything on your mind that you want to do?
Skyler: Probably one of the most important things for me right now is my gender marker. It’s still “female” on my license. And now that I’m post-op, I have all the documents that I finally need to be able to go to the DMV and get that taken care and get my gender marker changed to “male.”
Karamo: Got it. See, that’s what I’m talking about.
[Cuts to confessional]
Karamo: Most of us take our IDs for granted; we got it when we were 15 or 16 and we never think about it. But all he wants is just to experience the same life that we all experience. And this one little thing is holding him back. [He holds up card]

Jonathan: This is how I do it: You put a finger on your Adam’s apple.
Skyler: I don’t have one though.
Jonathan: Oh my gosh!
[He reaches over to touch]
Jonathan: Your vocal box, right here which I can totally feel, that’s hair.
Skyler: That’s little my tiny little Adam’s apple.
Jonathan: Don’t talk about him like that! He is girthy. He is huge!