Florence and Melissa - Schmigadoon!
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One year and three months before Schmigadoon, Melissa and Josh attend a friend's destination wedding in Nebraska where the bride toasts her grandparents and the "Froimsen feeling" that motivated them to get married fifty years ago.

When Melissa and the other bridesmaids do a dance, Josh refuses to join her when the other partners are called up to dance.

In Schmigadoon, Melissa wakes up in Danny's bed. She gets dressed while he's making breakfast. When she tries to leave, Danny suddenly begins a song on how to take care of her and their child. While she tries to explain about her IUD, he sings himself down a dark path of robbery (a la Billy Bigelow)

Melissa leaves and walks into the town, looking for Josh. She arrives just in time for Betsy to announce her engagement to Josh.

Josh calls to Melissa from a hiding spot by the Inn. He explains about Betsy's father and the shotgun.

Harvey sneaks out with their bags and leaves them outside the Inn. He's been forced by Mildred Layton's group, The Mothers Against the Future, to evict Josh and Melissa. Mildred warns them that no one in Schmigadoon will give them lodging.

Josh and Melissa discuss their respective situations and decide on a plan of action.

Josh goes to talk to Betsy. Thinking there's a possibility she's his true love, he takes her to the footbridge. He co-opts the Froimen Feeling into the "Skinner Feeling" to convince her that he can only marry the girl he feels it with when he crosses the bridge. They cross and Josh is disappointed they don't leave Schmigadoon but uses it as a reason to break off the engagement. Betsy goes crying to her father.

Melissa goes to the Menlove house to speak with the mayor but ends up chatting with Florence instead. Florence mentions that Doc Lopez is looking for a nurse. Asking Florence about Aloysius triggers a solo number,"He's a Queer One, That Man O' Mine"

Carson bursts into the living room to announce that Josh has broken off the engagement.

Josh, in the meanwhile, is crossing the bridge with every eligible woman in town under the pretense of testing the Skinner Feeling

It doesn't work with any of the women. Then Melissa shows up, outraged that he'd try to leave without her.

She leaves and Betsy's father arrives with his shotgun and chases Josh off.

Josh seeks refuge in the church where Reverand Layton gives him some advice.

There's a knock at the church door and the Reverand goes to answer it as Josh hides. It's Emma Tate, dropping off donations for the poor.

Josh realizes Emma wasn't at the bridge so she must be the one to get him out of Schmigadoon.

Melissa makes her way through the town to Doc Lopez's house to apply for the nurse job. Turns out the practice now belongs to the younger Doc Lopez who is very good-looking.

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Schmigadoon! Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Josh: By the way, that girl is apparently much younger than she looks.
Melissa: Yeah, I tried to warn you. Have you not seen 'Sound of Music'? Liesl's sixteen going on twenty-nine.

Melissa: Would've been nice if we'd danced together.
Josh: I know. But line dancing, wedding, the whole... I hate it. You know how much I hate it.
Melissa: Yeah, but you left me up there alone. Which I hate.