A Stirring Number - Schmigadoon!
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The Narrator catches us up on what's going on in Schmicago: Miss Codwell is feeding the orphans to fatten them up. Blight is sharpening his tools. Jenny and Topher are spending more time together. Topher is ignoring the tribe.

Kratt is plotting something evil.

Josh walks Melissa to the club, where she'll perform one last time. As she heads in, Madame Frau greets her to tell her she's getting the solo slot since Jenny is missing.

With Josh, Sgt. Rivera, and Kratt in the audience, Melissa sings a fantastic torch ballad. She gets a standing ovation.

As Josh walks down the street after the performance, the hippies appear, following him. They greet him with "peace and love." He says goodbye, and they keep following him.

Josh notices Marisa has a bandage on her foot. She says she stepped on some glass. He asks for medical supplies, some of the hippies go off searching for them, and Josh asks where Topher is. They tell him he's ignored them since he hooked up with Jenny.

Josh tells them Topher and Jenny might be a while as they are young, sexy, and in love. Josh fixes Marisa's foot, and the tribe realizes he is wise and can miraculously heal them. They proclaim Josh as their leader.

Josh tells them they can't spend their whole lives following people mindlessly. He offers to give them a few pointers.

The Narrator narrates as Josh becomes more revered amongst the tribe while Melissa gains more success as a headliner at the club. Josh leads anti-Kratt protests.

There's some split-screen counterpoint overlapping with Blight, Codwell, Jenny, Topher, Kratt, and the Barfly Lady, with the Narrator front and center.

Melissa and Josh get hot dogs and discuss their successes -- getting Jenny away from Kratt, getting Jenny and Topher together, and getting Dooley and Codwell together.

Josh and Melissa both remark on how good they feel about everything they are doing in their lives. They decided to head back "maybe tomorrow."

Topher and Jenny are in Jenny's apartment. Melissa and Josh enter. Jenny and Topher get mad at Josh for stealing the tribe, though Josh insists the tribe chose him.

Jenny gets mad at Mel for stealing her starring spot at the club. Jenny and Topher kick Josh and Melissa out.

Josh and Melissa head to Miss Codwell's, who agrees to put them up.

The orphans present Miss Codwell with a gift for being so nice to them. She opens the box, but it's empty. The orphans explain that the ribbon tying the gift up is the present. She thanks them, then orders them to eat.

Josh and Melissa visit Dooley Blight and tell him they will be staying next door. Dooley sharpens his many knives. Josh and Melissa also notice his new, huge meat grinder.

Josh asks if he got a new meat supplier, but Dooley says no. They ask why he has a new meat grinder, but he continues to sharpen his knives.

In their tiny bunk bed in the middle of the night, Josh can't sleep, thinking something is up.

Josh and Melissa go down to Dooley's and search, and find the evidence -- a chalkboard listing the orphan's names, weights, and how many sausages they would yield. Josh and Melissa are horrified. Codwell and Blight appear at the door.

Codwell and Blight sit Josh and Melissa down for tea. Josh and Melissa try to convince them that killing orphans for meat is wrong.

Josh realizes Blight is projecting -- after all, he really wants to kill Kratt. Dooley confirms that he wants to kill Kratt, but can't get close to him, so he'll do the orphans instead.

Josh takes Melissa aside, saying Dooley is obviously Sweeney Todd, but Melissa reminds him she couldn't sit through Sweeney odd.

Josh tells her to get Kratt alone and unprotected. Melissa isn't sure Kratt deserves to die, but Josh insists.

Melissa says they could just get Dooley and Kratt together, and it might work out fine. They sit back down with Dooley and Codwell.

Melissa offers to bring Kratt to Blight as long as Blight promises not to kill the orphans. Codwell concedes since it's what will make him happy.

At the club, Kratt scolds Sgt. Rivera. Rivera heads to the bar and orders a martini from Madame Frau. They lament their lot, singing about how they thought they knew how it all would work out, but life had other plans.

Josh and Melissa enter with their eyes on Kratt. Blight sneaks into Melissa's dressing room closet.

Melissa calls Kratt from the phone at her table. She thanks him for the flowers and candies. Melissa says she's feeling lonesome, and he is, also.

Melissa seductively heads over to him and sits at his table. She plays the flirt and suggests they go to her dressing room. Kratt asks about Josh, but Melissa says it's not a concern.

They head towards the dressing room, but then Kratt ducks out, dragging her with him at the last moment. Josh runs after them, but Sgt. Rivera draws his gun as Josh watches Kratt drive off with Melissa in his car.

Blight emerges, watching them go. Alex, the hippie, watches from behind as well.

Kratt tells Melissa that she must marry him, or he'll have Josh killed. The Narrator tells us that there's "always a twist."

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Schmigadoon! Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

The road you’re on is paved with gold, but who knows where it leads?


Believe me, there’s no honor in honorable mention, but I’ve made it an art.
