Father-Daughter Reunion - Secret Invasion
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Nick continues to try to get through to his wife but is shocked when she takes secret calls and doesn't want to be seen.

She tells him that she mourned his loss and then he returned following the blip, only for him to rush off to space instead of dealing with his issues.

Talos goes to meet Gravik because he needs to secure G'iah's safety.

They have an argument and Gravik tells him his plan to take down the human race.

Talos tells him he won't let him carry out these attacks under anonymity, so Gravik threatens G'iah, prompting Talos to try to kill him.

He leaves and G'iah and Gravik return to the compound.

Gravik tells the world leaders of his plans to give them all changeable superpowers to break the human race when they least expect it.

This doesn't sit well with G'iah, and even Beto is starting to question things.

Nick seeks out Talos and the pair have another argument, with Talos revealing that Nick only thrived for so long thanks to the Skrulls.

Talos tells him that in order for them to work together, they have to be on the same playing field and not diminish what's happening.

Nick agrees. They both follow the lead to prevent the sub letting out the strike, and even Sonya helps them.

Once they arrive at the house, they're quickly caught, so take the man and his son hostage, but Talos kills the man when he mentions G'iah.

They manage to avert the strike, thanks to a call to G'iah.

However, she's caught trying to escape and Gravik guns her down.


Secret Invasion
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Secret Invasion Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Talos: When I came here in 1995, you were just a benchwarming nobody in a dumpy field office in S.H.I.E.L.D.
Nick: Benchwarming?
Talos: What, do you have a different take on this?
Nick: I was ascending the ranks.
Talos: You didn't start ascending the ranks until me and 19 of my people signed on as your invisible spy network. You know, we fed you more dirt and intel than you could've uncovered on your own in a lifetime, so please. I mean, every time you were promoted inside S.H.I.E.L.D., we did that. Every terror attack you prevented, we did that. Every enemy you sabotaged and ally you leveraged with dirt no one else in the world had access to, we did that. You're a smart and capable guy, Fury. Nobody questions that. But you've gotta admit, your life got a hell of a lot more charmed once I came into it. And do you know something? I don't even need to hear a bloody thank you from you. It was my pleasure, mate. Least you can do is not rewrite history when the guy who helped write it with you the first time is sitting right next to you.

Nick: Why don't you shapeshift back into this piece of trash and call in an abort on that missile strike?
Talos: Great idea. Why didn't I think of that? Maybe 'cause he's the only one who knows the code word.
Nick: You got a code for us, Commodore?