Talos: Remember Bob? The guy that'll launch a nuclear attack?
Nick: All right, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that.
Talos: No, that 'cause you were too busy riding the "we did that" wave.
Nick: You got any more abuse you wanna hurl my way? Or are you ready to go in here and take care of Bob? And then I get to say, "We did that."
Nick: We can do that.

Sonya: Whoever this is, you shouldn't have this number.
Nick: What do you know about a British submarine called Neptune?
Sonya: First, I want an apology.
Nick: I just gave away the only one of those I had today.
Sonya: Well, you'll have to double down, 'cause you rather rudely attached a nasty bug to my beloved Hoot.
Nick: Tell me that's not the name of that owl clock.
Sonya: No, not anymore. Has a new name now. Nicholas Fury. He has a rather dashing little eye patch now.
Nick: I'm serious, Sonya. I have it on good authority. Neptune is planning to launch on the UN Delegation. That would mean World War III.
Sonya: Well, why would they do something silly like that?
Nick: Because at least one of Gravik's rebels has infiltrated Command. Can you make the call?
Sonya: Unfortunately, I'm dealing with my own infiltration at the moment. Somebody leaked the location of the butcher's shop when I was doing some of my best work, so my hands are tied.
Nick: Loose enough to get the captain's name? His name is Commodore Robert Fairbanks.
Sonya: Bob!
Nick: Can I get a photo and address?
Sonya: Absolutely. Shall I tell him you're on your way?

Nick: Why don't you shapeshift back into this piece of trash and call in an abort on that missile strike?
Talos: Great idea. Why didn't I think of that? Maybe 'cause he's the only one who knows the code word.
Nick: You got a code for us, Commodore?

Talos: When I came here in 1995, you were just a benchwarming nobody in a dumpy field office in S.H.I.E.L.D.
Nick: Benchwarming?
Talos: What, do you have a different take on this?
Nick: I was ascending the ranks.
Talos: You didn't start ascending the ranks until me and 19 of my people signed on as your invisible spy network. You know, we fed you more dirt and intel than you could've uncovered on your own in a lifetime, so please. I mean, every time you were promoted inside S.H.I.E.L.D., we did that. Every terror attack you prevented, we did that. Every enemy you sabotaged and ally you leveraged with dirt no one else in the world had access to, we did that. You're a smart and capable guy, Fury. Nobody questions that. But you've gotta admit, your life got a hell of a lot more charmed once I came into it. And do you know something? I don't even need to hear a bloody thank you from you. It was my pleasure, mate. Least you can do is not rewrite history when the guy who helped write it with you the first time is sitting right next to you.

Secret Invasion Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Talos: When I came here in 1995, you were just a benchwarming nobody in a dumpy field office in S.H.I.E.L.D.
Nick: Benchwarming?
Talos: What, do you have a different take on this?
Nick: I was ascending the ranks.
Talos: You didn't start ascending the ranks until me and 19 of my people signed on as your invisible spy network. You know, we fed you more dirt and intel than you could've uncovered on your own in a lifetime, so please. I mean, every time you were promoted inside S.H.I.E.L.D., we did that. Every terror attack you prevented, we did that. Every enemy you sabotaged and ally you leveraged with dirt no one else in the world had access to, we did that. You're a smart and capable guy, Fury. Nobody questions that. But you've gotta admit, your life got a hell of a lot more charmed once I came into it. And do you know something? I don't even need to hear a bloody thank you from you. It was my pleasure, mate. Least you can do is not rewrite history when the guy who helped write it with you the first time is sitting right next to you.

Nick: Why don't you shapeshift back into this piece of trash and call in an abort on that missile strike?
Talos: Great idea. Why didn't I think of that? Maybe 'cause he's the only one who knows the code word.
Nick: You got a code for us, Commodore?