General Kirigan With Scratches - Shadow and Bone
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Alina and Mal plan their next move, but Sturmhond wants to be apart of it.

Sturmhond separates part of his ship into an airship.

Jesper yells at Kaz for nearly getting everyone killed.

Kaz warns Nina that Pekka may be coming after her now.

Inej disappeared through a window after she got bandaged up.

Kirigan visits his mother, which he has taken into a cage inside his house.

He tells her he plans on taking over the empire.

Sturmhond brings his ship into the fold so that Alina may try and take down the fold.

Alina starts casting but doesn't have enough power, and Kirigan takes over.

Volcra attack the ship, and the twins and Sturmhond fight them off.

They make it to the other side of the fold without any deaths, and the RAvkan army approaches them, ready to shoot them.

Sturmhond reveals himself to be Nikolai Lantsov, prince of Ravka.

Alina is pissed and punches him.

Genya tries to warn David to run from Kirigan's army, but Kirigan appears, and David saves her.

Kirigan gets David to help him try and find a cure.

Alina reunites with some of her old trainee friends.

Jesper and Wylan break into Rollin's estate but get caught, and they claim they're there to fix the piano.

They obviously can't, so Jesper uses his magic to fix it.

Inej insists that Kaz tells her why he's gambling with their lives.

Kaz tells Inej that Pekka killed his brother, and she wants to destroy him.

Nina interrupts a potentially intimate moment between Inej and Kaz.

Kaz searches for more men to help him, but he gets attacked and fights everyone off.

Inej finds the man that attacked her and attacks him in his taxidermy shop.

She kills him.

Kirigan wants to find the Firebird before Alina.

Kirigan takes one of his mother's fingers to try and use as an amplifier.

David and Genya plan on escaping.

Nikolai (Strumhond) proposes that he and Alina get engaged for the political advantage.

As Genya tries to escape, Kirigan comes after her.

Genya tries to shoot her way out, but Kirigan uses her shadow monsters against her.

David runs for his life.

Kaz introduces his plan to Jesper and Wylan.

Matthias and his cellmate continue to work in jail, and the guards take Matthias to fight.

Nina arrives, trying to get a message to Matthias.

Matthias gets into the ring, and Nina sees him.

Matthias reluctantly fights the man in the ring. He eventually kills the champion.

Matthias sees Nina before he heads back into the prison, and he gives her a cold look.

Pekka threatens Matthias through Nina.

Kirigan still thinks he controls Alina and invades her dreams, cutting out the flame on a candle.

Alina awakes to tell Nikolai that she's made her decision.

Shadow and Bone
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Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Baghra: I protected you the only way I knew how. I taught you strength, cunning. But never compassion. I see my mistakes now, too late.
Kirigan: There are no mistakes, only lessons.

Baghra: And the little saint?
Kirigan: I will find her. And when I do-
Baghra: There was a moment you might have earned her love, instead of claiming her power. Another lesson? Or maybe, just another mistake.