Mal and Alina Peacefully Walking - Shadow and Bone
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Alina and Mal arrive in a new land to lie low.

The Crows get arrested, but Inej escapes, as she normally does.

Stromhund interrogates Kaz and Jesper, and Kaz tells him where Alina went.

Stromhund gives them enough time to escape.

Alina has another nightmare, and sees Kirigan in the fold.

She has a conversation with him in the dream.

She wakes up in a library and learns a bit into how the Zemeni Grish live their lives.

She finds some old natical maps to look at to try and find the location of the second amplifier.

She accidentally reveals herself to a woman.

Mal gets caught as a deserter, and gets chased by the army.

Alina and Mal intersect in their chases, and Mal beats up a bunch of the soldiers.

Alina saves him by casting, and everyone knows who she is.

As the army starts converging on them, the Zemeni protect Alina and Mal, giving them time to escape.

Inej tries to figure out who got murdered and why the crows were blamed.

Inej finds out that Pekka owns the club because he killed the woman that owned the deed.

Inej's contract is now owned by Pekka, and Kaz wants to send her away.

She refuses, and Kaz reluctantly accepts that she's staying.

Pekka kills the police officer that lost Kaz.

Kaz visits Wylan, and wants to hire him.

Inej hangs out in the shadows, but gets caught by some of Pekka's men.

A heartwrender knocks out the men attacking her, and it's revealed to be Nina.

Matthais gets taken to prison, and the prson is extremely violent and scary.

He tries to plead his innocence, but to no avail.

They charter a ship by two independant charters, a brother and a sister.

Genya and other Grisha are left for slaughter inside of the path of the fold by the army.

Some of the army gets attacked outside of hte fold, which panics the commanding officer.

The thing that attacked them wasn't Volcra, however, but Kirigan.

Kirigan releases some of the Grisha, and Genya is shocked to see him alive.

He releases Genya, as Kirigan plans to kill the first army. The Grisha follow him.

Nina wants, in return, Kaz to try and release Matthias from Hellgate, but all Kaz can offer is visitation.

Kaz blew up the Crow Club.

The Shu siblings bring Alina to their caption: Stromhund.

Shadow and Bone
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Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Jesper: I might celebrate with a little dice and debauchery.
Kaz: No debauchery.
Jesper: Dice then.
Kaz: No Dice.

  • Permalink: No Dice.
  • Added:

Jesper: You knew.
Kaz: About you being a Durast? Your gun misfired on Arken's train. You fixed it without moving. You repaired my cane with no tools. And when you shoot, you never miss. Of course I knew.