The Obsession Begins - Shining Girls
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Kirby is dancing with the girl from Harper's video in a videotape.

Harper is in France in 1918. He's on the front lines and turns and runs. Leo stops him, making sure he puts on his mask. He's right behind him.

Shelling knocks them out. Harper's mask is damaged, so he tears around, finding injured men trying to secure another. He pulls one right off the face of a guy and puts it on, watching him die. He cocks his head with interest.

The girl is dancing on stage. It looks like a dinner show.

Wild applause as she stops. She's covered in paint. She spots Harper in the audience.

Harper seems to like this girl, Klara, but he insults her performance and the crowd.

He says he brought her back a Parisian hankie. She's impressed he went to Paris.

He takes her to a woman's house, and they watch her dress for church. They did this when they were kids. He wants to get the woman's silk stockings for her.

Klara recalls Harper peeping at her when they were young. He says he was looking out for her.

They hear beeping. It's a Casio. They're transfixed. And then they hear a noise. She bolts out the window, but Harper stays behind. He needs to ask her where she got this. She recognizes him from St. Adelberts. He never prays before a meal.

Harper jams her up against the wall with an umbrella. When he returns to Klara, Harper says he stayed behind to make sure the woman didn't spot her since she's got a big show coming up.

He gives her the watch. She is very uncomfortable. Harper says they're owed the watch and they need to take what they're owed.

Harper and Leo are placing bets it the streets of Chicago. Harper tells him about the spot he heard about. Leo will join him. They'll grab their kits so they have an excuse to be there. Support your local legion!

It's the house. They go around back and break in.

As soon as they're inside, Leo starts loading up his bag with items from the house.

Harper is fascinated more with the origin of so much eclectic stuff than stealing it all. While Leo discovers a case full of money, Harper finds a diary from 1973. Then Leo finds some US cash. WTF?

Harper asks after the man who is hiding in a wardrobe. It must be tight in there. The man wonders how much money to make them go away. Harper is fascinated with what the man is saying.

Leo finds an AV kit, and Harper keeps asking questions. When Leo fires up the music, Harper smacks the man to the ground.

The man says, so he wants it now. Maybe it's for the better. You can only pass through here. The house has its own ways. The guy runs straight into the street, getting slammed by a car. It's around 1950.

Klara is using an oxygen mask to keep her chest clear. She's using radium on her skin.

He invites her to his house. Once there, they lay on the ground and watch a chandelier spin, changing before their very eyes.

He asks her to think of a day she'd like to see. He takes her hand, and they're decades ahead. He says maybe this was how he was always supposed to be.

He can't go any farther than the day than he is. She can't stop wondering why, but he says, isn't this enough? She doesn't ever want to leave.

He takes this moment to wonder why she never wrote him back. She could have said anything. He would have wanted to hear anything.

They go shopping. When they return, Leo is in the house waiting for him.

He tried to find Harper, but he opened the door and nothing happened. He was just outside.

They go to the same place where Klara used to dance. It's the club where Rachel plays and Kirby sometimes works. In fact, she's bartending. Kirby and Klara hit it off. Klara tries to keep Kirby around for Harper, she says, because he wants her. He says that's not who he wants. But, it's years later, and he sure does now.

Harper's mood is growing more foul.

Klara wonders what happened in Paris. Klara says Harper takes up more space and doesn't know what to do with it. He says that Harper didn't change, she just never knew him in the first place. And they didn't make it to Paris.

He swiped a video camera and wants to film her act. He wants her to act like she did at Teeny's not at the other place.

She's uncomfortable and angry. She wants to know where he got the hankie. He took it off someone who died. She says that's fine. Just don't lie to her.

When she rejects him, he gets angry. "Just get back over here. You always do." She knows and wants to know how many times.

She wants to know why she doesn't remember. He says since it's not her house. She fights back and he slugs her, pinning her to the bed for more.

Harper is moving bodies during the war and steals the hankie from a guy's pocket, ripping the monogram from it.

Leo knows he took the guy's mask. He told him he'd be right behind him. Harper better leave it with the guy and come up with a story to tell the family. They'll want his account.

After killing Klara, Harper returns to see Kirby at the bar. He wants to hold her earrings to tell her where they're from. Of course, he's already got the story, so it's quite a show.

Since he's right on the money, she tells him she bought them herself, and he can keep them.


Shining Girls
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Shining Girls Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Harper: Who covers up their windows like this? What's he so scared of?
Leo: People like us.

Klara: I hear they hand out medals on the ride home. How many did you get?
Harper: I just got the ride.