Orion Traditions - Star Trek: Lower Decks
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An Orion ship encounters the mysterious vessel and is destroyed when they hail it and demand it let them board it.

Tendi, Mariner, and T’Lyn are finishing up their work when Freeman arrives and lets Tendi know she’s been granted leave to visit her family on Orion, effective immediately.

Her sister is getting married. Tendi’s not keen to go but Freeman says Starfleet wants her to go to demonstrate goodwill after the Orion ship’s disappearance.

T’Lyn requests to go with her as outsiders rarely have the opportunity to observe traditional Orion ceremonies. Mariner wants to go too to get away from Boimler and Rutherford for a bit.

In their shared quarters, Boimler and Rutherford get into a fight over who should mist their bonsai tree.

When they arrive on Orion, Mariner, T’Lyn, and Tendi are lifted onto a sedan chair and carried into the large family compound.

After greeting her parents, Tendi’s father reveals that her sister’s been kidnapped. Tendi isn’t impressed as bridal kidnappings are common practice.

Tendi’s mother expects Tendi to rescue her sister, as it is the duty of the Prime Daughter. She accuses Tendi of turning her back on their traditions.

On the ship, Rutherford and Boimler are still fighting over the misting bottle when Boimler is alerted their holodeck reservation is up. They go to a Mark Twain riverboat simulation but both turn up as Twain. They start to bicker in southern accents.

Tendi brings Mariner and T’Lyn to an Orion nightclub. Tendi is instantly recognizable by everyone and they all try to cater favor.

A knife flies out at Tendi and hits Mariner. The nightclub owner comes out to trash talk Tendi. She challenges her to a murder bug drinking game to make her earn the information about her sister she’s come for.

In the holodeck, Boimler and Rutherford find conflict resolution by roleplaying Mark Twain simultaneously.

Tendi next takes Mariner and T’Lyn to a hump dungeon. T’Lyn scans the crowd and discovers the males are under the influence of pheromones. Tendi spots her sister’s ex in one of the dance cages. He runs when he sees her.

The hump dungeon’s owner comes out to see what Tendi’s doing with the dancer. T’Lyn asks about the manipulative nature of pheromonal Orions and insults the proprietor who throws a dagger at her but hits Mariner instead.

The owner orders her thralls to attack but Tendi hits them with an antidote to pheromones. When she threatens to cure all the men in the dungeon, the owner orders the ex to tell Tendi what he knows. He tells her he often followed her sister to the ship graveyard.

When Boimler and Rutherford reach the bridge, Freeman is having a dispute with an alien captain over scanning a nearby oscillating nebula. Boimler and Rutherford suggest the Mark Twain simulation to solve their conflict.

The simulation doesn’t work to solve the conflict but their explanation about their own conflict over the bonsai distracts the alien captain.

In the ship graveyard, Tendi tells the others how she and her sister used to hang out there. It’s where Tendi dreamed of joining Starfleet. She confesses to Mariner and T’Lyn that she was a trained assassin for the Syndicate. They accept that but point out the real Tendi is the geeky Science officer on the Cerritos.

Her sister arrives and Tendi realizes she kidnapped herself.

D’Erica attacks Tendi and her knife ricochets off a bulkhead and hits Mariner.

Tendi arms herself and fights back.

The alien captain is enchanted by the bonsai and eats it. Having eaten and washed it down with the mist liquid, he allows Freeman to proceed with the scan.

As they fight, D’Erica accuses Tendi of abandoning her for Science and forcing her duties as Prime unto her. Tendi apologizes. D’Erica admits she wanted the job but she fears she’ll never measure up to Tendi. Tendi points out she just kicked her butt and reassures her that she’s a great Prime.

Realizing the bridal procession is starting in two hours, Tendi hotwires the ship they’re in to get them back to the family compound in time.

Tendi asks T’Lyn to leave out some of the stabbing from her report. T’Lyn junks her report as it would be unethical to report without Tendi’s consent.

They crashland near the family compound and the wedding proceeds.

When they return to the ship, they show Boimler and Rutherford pictures of their trip. The guys are jealous and since they are forbidden from playing Mark Twain on the holodeck, they resort to a Mozart simulation to solve their conflict.

Star Trek: Lower Decks
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Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

And… done! All the diseases blocked by the transporter bio-filter after last week’s shore leave have been cataloged!


D’Bora: We deliver fuel and supplies to real pirates. We’re, like, pirate-adjacent.
Risik: Right now, I’m just a plunder sorter, but I’m capable of way more.