Vadic's Bridge - Star Trek: Picard
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Vadic has control of the Titan and starts taking down its systems, starting with lights and coms. She shuts down the transport security and barricades fleeing crew into corridors to be slaughtered by changeling soldiers.

Geordi unplugs Data/Lore from the systems.

Picard, Beverly, Jack, and Sidney find themselves locked out from all systems.

On the bridge, Vadic examines the Titan crew, standing at attention.

Jack attempts to cast his mind out into another crew member to see what’s going on. His host is killed by a changeling soldier after seeing most of his team dead or cowering.

Jack reports what’s happened to Picard, Beverly, and Sidney.

Vadic addresses the ship and threatens to torture and kill them all if Jack Crusher doesn’t surrender to her.

Part Eight: Surrender

On the Shrike, Troi soothes Riker’s wounds. They discuss what’s happened since they were last together.

On the Titan’s bridge, Shaw and Seven debate whether she should’ve take Vadic out by blowing the turbolift. Seven states she refused to kill Shaw in order to kill Vadic.

Vadic sends a team to find Jack. She decides to kill a crew member in ten minutes if Jack doesn’t come to the bridge. Jack makes to go to the bridge but Beverly and Picard talk him out of it.

Jack tells Beverly and Picard that he thinks he can retake the ship. He explains that he can take over a person’s consciousness. Sidney backs him up. Picard reveals he has an override codex that can retake the ship’s controls. Jack suggests he control on of the crew on the bridge and enter the codex into a bridge terminal, the only place where the terminals aren’t locked down.

Vadic announces there’s one minute left until she executes someone. As she turns from him, Lt. Mura’s eyes glow red for a moment. He begins to enter the codex but Vadic stops him before he can execute the override. She looks closely at his eyes and realizes that Jack’s in control.

Jack pulls back into his own body, reports that Vadic knows about his ability.

Vadic announces the first ten minutes have elapsed. She makes Esmar and Mura identify themselves over the coms. She takes aim at Esmar but then disintegrates T’Veen instead.

Vadic makes Seven announce what she’s just done. Vadic insists she’ll repeat this exercise again unless Jack turns himself into her.

On the Shrike, Riker postulates that they all die and concludes that Kestra will have lost everyone. Troi asks if he’s giving up again like he did when Thad died. He points out that he was numb because she’d taken his grief away from him and prevented him from healing from the tragedy.

They forgive each other and embrace.

It comes out that neither of them wants to stay on Nepenthe since Thad is gone. They make a pact to move back to the city when they return home.

A guard comes to take Troi again. Riker tries to prevent it. A blade bursts out of the guard’s chest. Worf has arrived.

They rush to hug their friend who demands his personal space.

Worf takes the opportunity to pitch woo at Deanna after their years apart. Riker interjects. Worf says he needs to show them something before they leave.

Jack argues for giving himself up. Sidney is frustrated that she can’t regain control of a single system. Picard realizes Data is their only hope.

Picard, Beverly, Sidney, and Jack enter the lab where Geordi and Alandra are with Data/Lore. Picard proposes Geordi lift the partition between the two personalities and they hope Data wins the battle.

Geordi warns them it’ll take time. Jack offers to buy them time.

Inside Data/Lore’s consciousness, the brothers confront each other. Lore is confident he’ll win. Data is examining the tokens of his life he’s saved as memories.

The partition disappears. Lore immediately take the Holmes pipe Data is holding, causing Data’s image to glitch. Lore expresses his plan to overpower and delete Data, replacing him. He sees it as evolution.

On the Shrike, Worf brings Riker and Troi to meet Raffi. They find Picard’s biological body. Worf and Raffi have learned the changelings have removed portions of Picard’s parietal lobe that were infected with the Irumodic Syndrome. Raffi downloads the database so they can figure out what they wanted with the brain pieces.

The changelings discover Riker and Troi have escaped and report it to Vadic. She is about to execute Mura when the turbolift activates. Jack arrives. He walks up to Vadic and reveals he’s carrying an armed grenade.

In Data’s mind, Lore continues to take items/memories from him, including a tricorder, a hologram portrait of Tasha Yar. Data, realizing he’s powerless to stop Lore, begins handing items over voluntarily.

On the bridge, Jack points out the grenade may not kill the changelings but it’ll definitely kill him and they need him alive. He insists they release the hostages. Vadic orders them locked into the ready room.

Jack gets Vadic talking and she reveals she knows about the voices he hears and the Red Door.

She offers to help him put the pieces together and learn the answers about himself.

Geordi reports that Lore’s nearly completely engulfed Data. In the mindscape, Data continues to give Lore his most precious memories to make up for Lore having had nothing.

Picard calls the takeover they’re seeing on the monitors Data’s surrender.

Data’s final memory is Spot, his cat.

As Lore takes Spot, Data completely disappears.

Geordi grieves the loss of his friend again.

Lore is triumphant, but feels a sudden twinge and shock. Data returns, and on the monitors, the synapses all revert to Data nodes.

Data explains that Lore valued Data’s memories after all, seeing them as trophies of his victory. In giving them value and making them his, he made Data’s memories his own and turned into Data.

In the lab, Data regains consciousness. Geordi checks in with him and Data confirms it is he.

Picard begins to ask for Data’s help but Data already knows what is needed. He takes control of the ship through his link.

With coms back on, Worf and Riker are able to make contact. Sidney fills them in on what’s happening and clears them to dock with the Titan.

Data addresses the ship with a Lore flair and gives Vadic’s troops a warning. The soldiers run into Raffi who engages them in a fight. One guard and Vadic remain on the bridge with Jack and Seven.

Data tells Jack that he’s up. Jack hits the button on his grenade. It turns out to be a shield he throws up over himself and Seven. Jack tells Picard to do it now and Picard orders the bridge’s evacuation hatch opened, causing Vadic and her guard to be sucked into space.

Vadic freezes solid and shatters when she collides with her own ship.

The door to the ready room opens and Seven offers up the ship to Shaw. He tells her to finish their business. Seven orders Mura to target the Shrike and they blast it to bits.

Riker and Troi join Worf and Raffi. Troi nearly faints as she senses some darkness on the ship.

Picard welcomes Data back. Data comments that he feels changed and experiencing age is a novel one.

Geordi and Data have a talk. Data can use contractions and humor and emotions. They renew their friendship.

They join the rest of the team in the ready room. The old crew reconnect.

Picard brings their attention to the mission. Troi describes the darkness as hovering around him, ancient and weak, but persistent.

Troi and Jack sit down together. Troi offers to guide him through the Red Door.

In his mindscape, they stand together facing the door and Jack puts his hand on the doorknob.

Star Trek: Picard
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Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Troi: You’ve changed. I can feel it.
Riker: In the nebula, I came face to face with bleakness.

Troi: Though your beard has gone from brown to gray to blood red. The face of an old man who can still take a punch. Almost.
Riker: I’ve missed you, imzadi.
Troi: Imza…I should’ve taught you another word. Yintoru?
Riker: Yintoru. What does that mean?
Troi: Baby of immense size.