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Before Cruz can call Collette as a witness, Erin calls her next witness -- Marquise.
Marquise testifies to East-O's character but diverts from the script delivering a testimony that effectively gets Sage released.
He says that Sage is too much of a coward to kill somebody. Marquise says that he has been following Sage on East-O's orders the night East-O was killed.
He also puts the gun under East-O's ownership, thus clearing it as Sage's murder weapon.
The judge calls Cruz, Erin, and Marquise into her chambers. Marquise outs Erin who had released him to lie on the stand.
Sage is released.
Marquise goes off on Rigo for betraying him.
Sage flexes on Rigo, effectively ending his performance luck streak.
Sage gets back into planning his tour and giving an interview. He shouts out to Magic -- the friend he made in prison -- in prison who is watching him on tv.
Rigo is enraged upon learning that he has been kicked out of the tour.
Angel plans to move to New York now that Sage is back and Rigo's tour is done. Odalie doesn't want her to go.
Sage is back at High Water and is enthusiastically welcomed back.
Collette and Poppy give Rigo advice on how to stay relevant. The interaction goes off track as both women compete for Rigo'S attention.
Odalie talks with the Spartakan agent and gets Angel a spot on Sage's tour to keep her close.
Rigo struggles to make a hit song in twenty-four hours. He stumbles upon Marquise's rap book and finds some good material. King warns him against using someone else's work without permission.
Poppy and Tal receive the first track he will perform and start rehearsing the choreography.
Collette is disappointed by Sage's apparent lack of interest in her work, especially how much work she put into planning Rigo's tour.
In Chicago, Odalie and Davis reconnect, much to Angel's disappointment.
Davis opens up for Rigo; Rigo performs his new track, his hit track, his Sage diss track, and his Collette special song.
Sage watches in disbelief as Rigo disses him and is enraged when Collette and Rigo get it hot on stage.
Poppy is gutted when Rigo chooses Collette over her and slaps him when he is done performing, effectively ending their relationship.
Someone sets their eyes on Tal.
Angel and Odalie kiss in their hotel room after the performance is done.
Step Up: High Water
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Step Up: High Water Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

If you askin' me if I think Sage Odom killed East-O... then the answer is no. Sage Odom might be a asshole, but he's also a pussy.


Yeah, I hope you enjoyed your little 15 minutes, 'cause that shit is almost up. Payback's a bitch, know what I'm sayin'? Stay warm. Enjoy your Uber.
