Back in the Nina Tank? - Stranger Things
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Eleven is still in the lab.

Brenner wants her all to himself and gets Owens locked up.

Eleven vows to get away and he injects her.

As things get gnarly, Sullivan and his people show up.

Brenner and Eleven go on the run, but he is gunned down by sharpshooters.

Owens pleads with Sullivan to call off the kill order on Eleven, but he refuses.

Eleven uses her powers to destroy the helicopter and Brenner deactivates her neck brace, unlocking her full power.

She runs away with Mike, Will, Argyle, and Jonathan.

They know they need to get to Hawkins.

Nancy tries to run from Vecna but he sends her back to her body with a message for Eleven.

The kids try to make sense of it and realize they need to go back inside the Upside Down.

Nancy says she saw a vision of a destroyed world, leading to some shocking moments.

The kids go to the army store and get guns and battle things, but the jocks show up and are intent on causing problems.

In Russia, everyone escapes from the prison but not before seeing the other creatures held there.

Yuri says he will take them back to the U.S. on a dingey plane.

Stranger Things
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Stranger Things Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Owens: Can you hear us? Eleven. Can you hear us?
Brenner: No, leave her.

After the attack, you fell into a coma. Like One, you had pushed yourself beyond your limit. And it very nearly destroyed you. But that is where your similarities ended.
