Stunned in the Aftermath - Succession
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While Logan and their family fly to an undisclosed location to regroup, Kendall tries to decompress with breathing exercises and by sliding down, fully clothed, into the bathtub.

Everyone is scrambling for what to do next, but nobody has a clue.

Kendall finally emerges from the building with a horde of press on his tail. Greg no-comments them over and over. As they climb into a company vehicle, Karolina expresses concern. Kendall counters. This is a righteous vehicle. You're in or you're out. He kicks her out of the car, leaving only Greg continuing the journey.

Once in their regroup room, everyone on Logan's team is perusing the news. Shiv admits that she's thinking Logan is toast. Logan is thinking that he shouldn't be thinking is he toast.

Hugo is hoping to get a reply to the people confirming that Logan never touched anyone and all that jazz. Just then, Logan asks them all who knew. He's not doing well.

There is a new gal in the car. Jess. Greg is trying to understand what Kendall is talking about. Lisa Arthur is the attorney for Kendall, he's hearing.

When Logan calls, Kendall hands the phone to Jess to act as a go-between. Logan wants Kendall to know he made a good move, but if he calls it off now, things will be good. Kendall doesn't want Logan behind bars, but he's going to the justice department if Logan doesn't step down.

That conversation gave Logan the motivation to call the group over. Gerri wants to call the justice department to say they didn't know anything about the allegations. But yes, they cooperate. Roman starts rambling about destroying Kendall so it falls apart and they don't cooperate. Shiv sees things differently. Roman keeps going, mostly wanting his dad's approval.

Karl is hungry, but Logan says they're on saliva and adrenaline. If he gets the shits, they're fucking cooked.

Now, Shiv wants to talk to Kendall.

Kendall wants to know if Robin minds if Naomi Pierce comes up. She's good with it. He saw male razors and wants to know who they belong to. He's kind of teasing her, but it's not a conversation he wants to have.

Naomi arrives at the same time as Lisa. She thanks Rava. Naomi brought food.

Greg sucks as a media manager.

Kendall begins making calls. His first is to Frank. Frank is the soul of the company, and Kendall wants him on his side. He tries Gerri next, but it goes to voice mail because she's trying to get the president on the phone, which doesn't appear likely. Karl doesn't make the van because he really needs a sandwich.

The president's person is doing everything they can to slough off Logan without saying it directly. Gerri is trying so hard, and she even suggests the White House fires the person who won't get on board. Shiv just shakes her damn head with an incredulous look on her face.

Kendall calls Shiv next. She hangs up on him.

Greg says that the general social media vibe is positive, but the negative seems to stick in the mind since it's quite visceral. But there's good memeage, too.

The list of the group's next destination might be Sarajevo. Shiv susses out that it's places without US extradition agreements. Logan realizes he needs to talk to a lawyer since he doesn't know how much cover he has on this.

Gerri throws out Lisa Arthur, the same attorney Kendall is going to see. Shiv is a friend of Lisa's, so all eyes are on her. Everyone is talking out their asses.  Logan tells Shiv he might need to pull out a little bit, revealing that he'll need someone to step up.

As usual, Logan doesn't have a lot for Connor to do. So, Connor asks Willa if they should promote her play failure as a hate-watch thing to jump on the irono-cycle.

Tom and Shiv are at an odd place, super uncomfortable with each other. Shiv asks if Kendall called Tom. Nope. But she doesn't reveal that he called her.

Kendall doesn't want Greg tweeting from his account.

Kendall goes to see his wife, who cannot believe what is going on. He plans to use her place as a temporary waystation. He's bummed that she didn't watch his big viral moment.

Karl and Frank discuss how bad this is. The whole Baskin Robbins, 31 flavors fo fuck, Karl says.

Logan begins giving orders. Everyone needs to lawyer up. He wants Tom to make sure that other outlets don't run with it under the assumption that it's wobbly as fuck and if they steer clear then they won't look a cunt tomorrow.

Logan decides to step back and seeks names from Tom, Hugo, Frank, and Karl. Frank and Karl toss their names into the hat, but Logan scoffs at them.

Shiv, Roman, or Gerri, depending on what they're going for. That sends Tom to the bathroom to call Shiv. He's so damned excited. Tom wants to know if he should push Shiv. She wants it, even if it means Logan is going to fight.

Right after Shiv returns to her seat, Roman calls her out on it since Gerri just heard from Frank that dad is live picking a new CEO.

Greg is nervous and says strange things to some women waiting to speak with Kendall. A media group. Greg just canceled his mom's credit card since she was panic buying nutribullets and krugerands after hearing that Kendall might be tanking the company.

The women begin their pitch, but Kendall interrupts the whole way through. Fuck the weather, we're changing the cultural climate. Kendall wants his twitter to be off the hook. Hitting up lampoon groups for cool tweets. He wants to work with them if they can work with him.

Tom tries to move the conversation toward Shiv by saying he likes Gerri and Shiv. Logan sees right through that. Roman creeps up the CEO ladder, and Roman calls in the midst of that discussion. He wants to plug Gerri by saying he thinks it should be him, but if he doesn't think he's ready that a couple of years under an older hen could crack him out of his egg.

Logan gets the message. Roman's out.

Shiv gets the call. She says she can do it. But it's not about the CEO position. It's about going to see Lisa. Could her turn at CEO ride on whether she's successful?

Shiv arrives. Lisa has already said that she cannot represent Logan. Shiv wants to hire Lisa on her own behalf. She has no idea what Logan or Kendall did, and she needs to game things out with someone who can do legal, social, and political reads. When Lisa shuts her down, Shiv realizes that Lisa has taken on Kendall.

Shiv takes it very poorly, lashing out about hitching wagons and fuck dolls and angry thanks, pals.

Roman and Gerri are alone. He thinks being with her is so fucking hot. Shiv blew it with Lisa, and Gerri gets the call. He says he might have swung this for her and wants to tell Shiv.

Lisa says it's just a prelim, and Kendall launches into his pitch. He is so high, smiling a lot, which is so odd. She wonders if the government has reached out to him yet. He will be her puppet and will do whatever she wants.

Greg opened a bottle of wine given to her by her godfather, and Rava flips out. Naomi had picked it out, which makes it worse.

Logan is freaking out now. Kendall calls Logan, but Logan won't answer the phone. Frank doesn't want to tell Logan what he said. Lisa Arthur is going to represent Kendall. Logan will go full fucking beast in retaliation.

Now, he wanders out into the street with the world crashing around him.

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Succession Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Roman: Oh. OK. But, what's the play?
Karl: I don't know. Lots of interesting ideas flying around.
Frank: I got fired. He got fired. She got promoted. I got rehired. She got demoted. Right?

Roman: Dad? Want me to ride with ya?
Logan: You wanna suck my dick?
Roman: Is what he said to his son as the sexual assault allegations poured in.