Sophie Looks Back - Surface Season 1 Episode 1
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Sophie dreams of herself underwater, underneath a boat headed toward a propellor.

Sophie returns to the hospital, where she volunteers, and while in a taxi, she becomes overwhelmed when the driver goes over the Golden Gate Bridge and gets out.

In therapy, Sophie's therapist, Hannah, tells her that her memories will never be recovered. She recommends Sophie doe neurofeedback treatment to help with her panic attacks.

Sophie meets her husband James at a work party and is approached by a man she'd seen earlier while she was out to dinner with friends. He informs her that her husband is not to be trusted and slips a matchbook into her bag.

While at the hospital, Sophie looks into her medical records and finds that she had a broken arm eighteen months ago that was suspected to be a result of domestic violence.

During neurofeedback therapy, Sophie imagines being on the boat before her accident and turning around to look at someone.

Sophie goes to the bar the matchbook came from, where she meets Baden. He tells her he was the officer assigned to her case, and Sophie tells him she doesn't need his help.

Sophie reads her suicide note, and when confronted by James, he tells her he wants to move forward.

Finally gaining access to her Apple account, Sophie finds a video of her and Baden together before they hook up.

While out jogging, Sophie returns to the docks where the boat resides and runs into a member of the Coast Guard who helped rescue her. She tells Sophie that she said she was pushed that day, and her real name was Tess.

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Surface Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Sophie: I need you to know something. What happened before will never, ever happen again. The girl who did that, I don't even recognize. However fucked up I might be, I don't want to die.
James: I know.

Baden: Your husband's coming. Look he's not who you think he is, okay? He's not telling you everything.
Sophie: What are you talking about?
Baden: You ever think there's more to what happened on the boat that day?