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Sweet/Vicious Quotes

Jules: Do I have consent, Will? I want you to think about Beth. The music you played to drown out her screaming. The fear in her eyes when you held her down, when you forced yourself into her.
Will: No, no, please no. Please, I'll do anything.
Jules [smacks him]: I'm sorry. I thought no meant yes. My bad. You didn't stop when she said no, did you, Will? [punches him]
Will: No, no, I didn't stop. I didn't. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anyone! I'm so sorry.
Jules: If you ever do to anyone else what you did to Beth, I will be back.

Jules [showing her phone screen]: Do you know this girl? DO YOU KNOW THIS GIRL?!
Will: It's your lock screen!
Jules: Oh. It is? Dang it.