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Noah continues to plan the wedding. He teaches everyone a flash mob dance. 

He bails before Whitney arrives because she disinvited him. That does not sit well with everyone. 

Noah managed to get Colin's mom to the wedding in time and goes to the motel. 

Helen argues with both Whitney and Margaret. After the vows, Helen goes to the motel and has sex with Noah. 

Whitney later grabs some cake and sneaks out with her brothers and sister and Colin. They go to the motel and find Helen and Noah having sex. 

In the future, Noah owns the Lobster roll. Joanie arrives and get snappy. She says that her mother's killer has been revealed. 

Noah tries to talk sense into her, telling her that these things have been passed through the generations to her. 

She counters and decides against killing Ben. She goes home to live life with her family. 

EJ reveals that he's Sierra's son. 

Noah goes to a grave and reads Stacy's book about Montauk. Helen died in 2051, along with Margaret the same year. Bruce died in 2024. 

He goes back to the scene of the house, which has been washed away thanks to Global Warming and dances. Yes, really. 

The Affair
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The Affair Season 5 Episode 11 Quotes

Whitney: Did everyone make it?
Helen: I think so.
Whitney: No one canceled last minute, right? I'm worried they might. Colin's friends are such flakes. I just, I don't want there to be any empty seats.
Helen: You have to ask your father?
Whitney: Why?
Helen: Because he was keeping the guest list.
Whitney: Mom, I asked you to take care of that. I thought you did.
Helen: Yes, I know, but he sent out the invitations and it just seemed much simpler. And Whitney, does it really matter? I mean, come on.
Whitney: It matters to me.

Whitney: Okay, seriously. You dropped it? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Helen: I didn't mean to, it's just that you turned so quickly.
Whitney: Jesus Helen. Why are you even here?
Helen: I thought you might need my help.
Whitney: Oh my god. Do not make this about you right now. I do not have time for that today.
Helen: Where did you learn to be so hard on people, Whitney?
[Whitney laughs and looks at her mother.]
Helen: Why am I here? If I bother you that much, why am I here? Why didn't you just disinvite me like you did your dad?
Whitney: Optics. Think about it, it would have looked terrible.
[Helen walks off and returns.]
Helen: I do not want to have the same relationship with you as I do my own mother, but I don't know how to avoid it right now.
Whitney: You could try listening to me for a change. That would be a fun start.
Helen: I do.
Whitney: No, you don't, you listen to what you want to hear and that's not the same thing.
Helen: I don't understand what you mean.
Whitney: Oh, okay. Ask me a question. One that you don't think that you already know the answer to.
Helen: Are you in love?