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On the second episode of The Bachelor, the first group of women receive their date box and find out that they’ll be heading to a runway show.

When Ashlee, Kristine, Mashana, Noelle, Michelle, Amanda, Erin H, and Holly arrive at their destination, they find out they’ll be the ones modeling the clothing.

Kristine said that given the choice between doing that or jumping out of an airplane, she’d choose skydiving. Ashlee tried to command attention by bringing Matt up on the catwalk with her.

When the girls finished flaunting their stuff, the partied continued as the girls fought for that coveted rose.

At the after party, Marshana pulled Matt Grant aside to ask him if he would have an issue dating someone outside of his race.

He assured her that the color of her skin was irrelevant and put her at ease by saying that he chose her because she is beautiful.

Michelle, after having played the clarinet for Matt last week, broke out a song tonight that she had written for him. Ashlee laid her cards on the table, saying that she wanted to kiss Matt and he let her.

He ended up giving her the rose and she flaunted it in front of the other girls' faces.

The next group: Amy, Carri, Chelsea, Erin S, Kelly, Robin, and Shayne head to Vegas. Matt tells the girls that they have 30 minutes to gamble and win as much money as possible. The woman with the most money at the end of the time wins a 30 minute date with Matt.

Shayne Lamas goes all in right off the bat and loses it all while Robin refuses to gamble at all. Kelly is the one who ends up winning the date, but no sparks seem to fly during her time with Matt.

Shayne, fed up with competing with other girls, pulls Matt aside and says she doesn't want to wait in the wings. Despite the argument, the evening goes on as planned and Matt takes the girls to the Napoleon suite.

Matt Grant spends some time getting to know Chelsea while Shayne waits for an opportunity to redeem himself. He chooses to give the rose to Chelsea while the other girls sit in bitter resentment.

Shayne takes it especially hard and cries in the bathroom.

Before Matt gives out the remaining roses, he spends time with the women at a cocktail party. First, he spends time with Robin and ends up kissing her. When the other girls find out that they locked lips, Marshana heads to get a kiss of her own.

Unfortunately, there were too many girls watching so Matt Grant decided to hold off. Carri, trying to top her can chewing talent from last week, sings opera for Matt. Shayne and Matt eventually talk things out.

At the rose ceremony...

  1. Chelsea (already got one)
  2. Robin is called first.
  3. Holly is next, followed by ...
  4. Erin S.
  5. Amanda
  6. Kelly
  7. Amy
  8. Kristine
  9. Marshana
  10. Noelle and, for last...
  11. Shayne Lamas!

Matt Grant therefore sends Carri, Erin H., and Michelle home. Sad.

The Bachelor
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