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The pilot episode of The Chicago Code set up the scenario of a young, beautiful Superintendent of Police and her former partner taking on the city's corrupt machine, led by Alderman Ronin Gibbons. Here's what the installment introduced:

Jarek Wysocki is a no-nonsense veteran detective who goes through partners practically every week. We learn on this episode that his brother died in the line of duty and he therefore raised his niece, Vonda, who is a beat cop (with a partner she appears to be sleeping with, despite denying that fact to her uncle). We also learn that Wysocki has a son, is engaged to a 27-year old, but is still sleeping with his ex-wife.

Wysocki is approached by Teresa Colvin on the pilot, the first female Superintendent in Chicago history and the woman he used to walk the beat with. She wants to clean the area and offers to give Jarek free reign over the city. He can ride around, he can pick his cases and he can do whatever it takes in order to bring own corrupt politicians and officials, most notable Gibbons.

Wysocki is hesitant at first, as the task seems too tall and complicated. But Teresa says they do have one advantage: a detective named Liam who has been undercover with the Irish mob, which has connections to Gibbons.

As Jarek weighs Teresa's offer, he meets his new partner, Caleb. He proves himself to a bit naive and new to the job, but also adept at reading situations and people.  In the end, Wysocki finds an important reason to take Colvin up on her offer:

An assassination attempt goes down in which Teresa is shot and her driver - who she took under her wing for years - is killed.

The Chicago Code
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The Chicago Code Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Officer: This is my life!
Teresa: Yeah, but it's my city.

Teresa: Your partner has better instincts than you think.
Jarek: Too bad he's a Cubs fan.