Surprise Team - The Company You Keep Season 1 Episode 8
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Emma continues to work on her case against Daphne while Daphne visits Maguire in jail and tells her he wants out of there.

Daphne attempts to bribe his judge, Bishop, but he won’t do business with criminals. She then asks Charlie to put pressure on the judge.

Charlie and Emma discuss this information, and Emma wants to help get Maguire out of jail so she can put him away for good.

Leo and his friends from the steel mill days drink at the bar in memory of their recently passed friend. The following day, Charlie comes to the bar to get Leo for his doctor’s appointment, but he’s not there. When Birdie tracks his phone to Virginia, Charlie goes there and sees him on the golf course, pulling a con behind his family’s back.

Charlie agrees to help Leo, who’s trying to get money off David Slocum, the man who cost him and his friends their pension at the steel mill. Leo and David wager money on various holes, with Charlie playing caddy. After losing several holes and then breaking even on a hard shot, Leo makes a bet that he can’t hit the same shot again, and when he does, he gets $200K.

Joe and Grace confront David about his relationship with Jennifer and tell him about Joe’s affair with Claire Fox.

Fran gets upset with Leo for running the con behind his back and not going to his doctor’s appointment, but he admits that he went the week before and got some bad news which prompted him to go after this con to help his family.

Emma and Birdie ditch the surveillance on Judge Bishop and look into his accounts. They realize they can bribe him if they present themselves as presentable criminals, so Emma goes undercover as an heiress of a case he’s overseeing and successfully bribes him.

Later, Daphne blackmails the judge with information about his bribe, and Maguire is released.

Charlie and Leo look to con Slocum again and use his buddies from the steel mill. They take over a construction site, and Leo talks Slocum into donating the $200K to the building as a means of charity. But one of Leo’s friends refers to Slocum by his old nickname, tipping Slocum off, and Leo is later picked up on grand larceny charges.

Emma helps get Leo out of jail.

A newly released Maguire goes to Daphne’s, with Connor in tow, for their first family dinner.

The Company You Keep
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The Company You Keep Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Birdie: This is uncomfortable.
Emma: Uncomfortable? Why should this be uncomfortable? Charlie's job is to win Daphne's trust, sounds like it's working.
Birdie: It sounds like she's feeling a little more for him than trust these days.
Emma: Really, it's fine. I'm fine.
Birdie: Does your face know that?

Parick: From what my lawyers tell me, it'll take a bit of magic to get this judge to change his mind.
Daphne: Well, lucky for you, I've got a magician on the payroll.